Why Is There So Much Focus On Getting A Beach Body?

This is a topic that drives me crazy.  Why is it that people for 11 months out of the year don’t care about what they look like but as soon as warm weather hits and it’s vacation time they want a beach body?  What they end of doing to achieve this beach body appearance is a crash diet, severely restrict calories, do endless amounts of cardio, cut carbs, cut fat, cut sugar, wear waist trainers, etc.  It’s strictly an appearance thing — nothing to do with health.  And I get it.  I really do.  But do you understand how stupid that sounds?

Disclaimer: This article is for informational purposes only and is not meant to treat or diagnose any condition. It is recommended that you speak with your doctor before starting any exercise program, changing your daily nutrition, or adding any supplements to your regimen.

beach body

11 Months of No Work Toward a Beach Body

So, let me get this straight.  You went 11 months straight eating whatever you wanted, not exercising, and now that you need to fit into a swimsuit and want a beach body you decide to change your habits?  Cool.  But why not work on your health and fitness year-round?  It’s much easier to maintain a healthy lifestyle all year versus all of a sudden needing to drop 50 pounds which is unattainable in the timeframe you are looking at.  It didn’t take 30 days for you to gain those 50 pounds.  That’s 11 months worth of not caring.  So, what makes you think you can quickly achieve a beach body before your summer vacation?  If you actually worked on your health and fitness all year and lived a healthy lifestyle, you could actually walk around with a beach body 365 days of the year.

You might think I’m being hard on you, but I don’t feel bad for you.  I don’t have sympathy that you’re upset about not having a beach body and that you don’t fit in your swimsuit or that tiny little bikini you want to wear.  You did this to yourself.  NOW, what needs to happen is that you need to actually take the initiative to never let this happen again.  How do you do that?  By making yourself accountable, changing your bad habits and lifestyle, and scheduling a time to plan out your meals and exercise each day.

It’s Time to Get Your Priorities Straight

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Personally, I’m not able to hold your hand and make sure you’re doing what you’re supposed to.  Well, I can, but you’d be paying for my services (which some people do).  If you want longevity… If you want to live a long life… If you want to maintain your health… If you want to look and feel good all year-round… It’s going to take WORK.  That beach body is attainable all year, but it’s going to take commitment and a lifestyle change.  And for most, they aren’t willing.  That’s why we have an obesity epidemic that is not only overshadowing adults but kids as well.

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No one is going to want this more than you.  Some people might even ask why you’ve changed or how come you’re eating so healthy all of a sudden and joined the gym.  Generally, the people who say this are friends around you who they, themselves, are unhealthy.  You may find they don’t agree with what you are doing.  And that’s ok, it’s because they aren’t willing to take the necessary steps to not be part of the obesity statistics and are happy being unhealthy and not caring.  I understand it’s easier to not care.  They don’t want you to look good because it makes them look BAD.  However, you know you deserve better.  And it might be hard, but you might need to change your circle of friends if they are a poor influence on you.  As they say, hang around with five people who make poor choices, you’ll eventually be the sixth.  That goes for everything in life.  Look at the people around you and if they don’t align with your goals and ambitions, it’s best to move on.

Beach Body Game Plan

So, how do we get you on track to attain this beach body all year?  Start by meal prepping.  Plan out your meals for the week and on one day (like a Sunday) make all of your meals in bulk.  Grill up your chicken or meat, steam all of your vegetables or rice, make your sweet potatoes… whatever you are planning (as healthy options) simply make them in bulk so you have them readily available.

Next, schedule times to exercise.  You can’t get a beach body without putting in a little time exercising.  It could be in the morning, over lunch, in the afternoon, or in the evening.  Honestly, I could care less when you do it, it’s more important that you JUST DO IT.  Look at your schedule and actually write in “workout” when you plan on hitting them.  This will ensure nothing comes up during those times that pulls you away from your commitment to yourself and your health.

And honestly, that’s it.  Nutrition is key and fitting in your workouts is extremely important.  Planning your meals and having them in containers helps keep you from cheating on your diet or eating out, and being that it’s already prepared in your refrigerator and just needs to be heated makes it extremely simple.  And the workouts you complete should consist of both cardiovascular and strength training.  This combo works best.

It’s a lifestyle change you’re making — for the better!  Don’t give up and don’t let outside influences pull you away from your desire to get in shape, look and feel good, and show off that beach body all 12 months of the year.  If you feel you need a little help to get going, feel free to reach out to me.  I have online clients who I work with via email who are getting amazing results.  If I can help you, I will.  I also have a ton of articles here on the website along with e-books (see below) and audiobooks you can download.  Never lose sight of your goals and stay committed to this new healthy lifestyle and you will soon find yourself with the beach body look you desire.

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Matt Weik

Matt Weik, BS, CPT, CSCS, CSN, is the Owner and Head Keyboard Banger of Weik Fitness. He is a well-respected, prolific writer with a global following and a self-proclaimed fitness and supplement nerd. Matt’s content has been featured on thousands of websites, 100+ magazines, and he has authored over a dozen published books.