What If Every Generation Was Stronger Than the Previous?
Those of you who know me or at least follow my work, know I’m passionate about improving every aspect of our lives as well as society. That being said, I have this weird belief where I think every generation needs to be stronger and better than the previous in every aspect of life. Is this odd? Yup. Does it make sense? Hopefully, it will after you’re done reading this article. If you would rather be a lion than a sheep, you’ll find this article to be an interesting read. If you’d rather be a sheep, well, get ready to feel offended and attacked.
Lately, Every Generation Seems to Be Regressing
I’m going to say it like it is… kids these days are growing up to be a bunch of little entitled bitches. There, someone had to say it. They walk around like the world owes them something – like they shouldn’t need to work for anything and that all their wants and needs will be handed to them on a silver platter. Well, guess what? Good luck with that, because that nonsense and mentality needs to end – NOW. And then there are those who can’t make it in athletics and turn into a transgender athlete just so they can finally win at something in their life.
The odd thing looking back is that I cannot pinpoint an exact timeframe where things started going south. A time where participation trophies became a thing. It had to be within the last 10 years where it started getting really bad. What are we teaching our kids when there are no “losers” and that “everyone is a winner” so long as they tried hard?
I don’t know what world they’re living in, but taking that mentality and applying it to the real world will get you smacked around like you’re a pinball. Just because you “try” doesn’t mean much of anything these days. You don’t get a raise for simply trying your best at work. No, you need to perform and get results. By simply showing up each morning does not secure your position at an employer if you aren’t helping the company grow and fulfilling your duties and expectations.
This entitlement mentality is why people are getting fired left and right, and then they want to blame everyone under the sun, except for themselves, as to why they no longer have a job and want to sue everyone for “mistreating” them.
Every generation needs to be stronger than the previous if we want to improve this world and make it a better place — across the board.
How Can We Fix This Mess?
It’s actually quite simple — stop babying kids these days. Know what changed my mentality of life? LOSING. There’s no worse feeling than losing at something and then watching the success of others be celebrated in front of you. I’m talking about a clear separation of winners and losers. It’s a tough pill to swallow. There were no participation trophies when I was growing up. Know what made me work harder? Not getting a trophy. Today, kids get held in their mother’s bosoms and given a trophy or medal and told they did a great job and are a winner. No, no you’re not, you little sensitive snowflake. You didn’t perform, you need to practice more, you need to enhance your skills, and you’re undeserving of a trophy or medal. That’s the harsh reality.
Sure, it sounds harsh, but that’s why this world is soft. When you don’t hit your numbers at work, why do people still look for a pat on the butt and a “good job anyway” from their boss? What their boss needs to do is work with them to help them improve their skills and make it extremely clear that their employment is based on results. If they can’t get the results, they’re going to be let go, and they’ll bring in someone who can handle the job and get it done.
If every generation was more substantial than the previous, can you imagine what this world would look like? Technology would be better. Communication would be better. Our health as a society and world would be better. Our finances would be better. The list goes on and on. But that can only happen if every generation focuses on improvement — which isn’t happening today.
In the real world, not everyone is a winner. That needs to be understood and reiterated to kids these days. Sure, you can praise them for trying their best, assuming they got beat by a superior opponent, but then you need to have the discussion of what could have been done better and things that need to be worked on and improved upon. And no, don’t give them a damn trophy. THAT is how you create a stronger society. Patting someone on the butt and saying good job while not discussing the reason for failure and that it’s ok does no one any good.
The Truth Hurts – But It’s What Creates Champions
It doesn’t matter if you’re talking about athletics or business, the truth must be told. Every generation needs to be told what made the previous successful so that they can take that information and apply it to their own lives and make improvements.
Remember back when men needed to go out and hunt their own food and carry the carcass back to the cave by themselves just to feed their family? Nowadays, guys are asking their wives to open the pickle jar for them. And that’s not a knock at women, it’s simply a point expressing how men are weaker today than they have ever been in history (exclude those who exercise regularly — which is a small percentage of the male population).
Can you imagine what the world will look like 10, 25, 50, 100 years from now? It’s scary. If this “entitlement” mentality doesn’t change soon, it’s going to be extremely hard to get things back to normalcy where people take responsibility and accountability for their actions and where every generation improves and surpasses the previous.
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