Here’s an Actionable Plan We Need to Implement to Save America
It seems like everyone has a lot to say about how messed up this country is right now. Yet, no one seems to be speaking up about how they would change things in order to save America. All I hear is a bunch of hate being spewed out of mouths with little actionable items.
Well, I’m going to lay out a plan of action that needs to take place if we want to save America. And here’s the thing… if we want change, we need to be the change. Stop talking the talk, and start walking the walk.
If we want to save America and right this ship, we need to start voicing our opinions, thoughts, and ideas to our legislators (remember, they work for us). Bitching and complaining online through social media isn’t doing anything.
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In fact, most people do it just so that they can increase their engagement, hoping that people will like their post and chime in down in the comments. That does nothing if you’re not doing anything to actually make a difference and save America.
So, below are some of the things we need to start doing TODAY in order to save America and make it great again.
Table of contents
- Incentivize Small Businesses to Save America
- Stop Bailing Out Corporations
- Bring Jobs and Business Back to the US
- Put an End to All the Printing of Money to Save America
- Stop Policing the Entire World on Our Dime
- Stop Threatening to Infringe Our Rights and Freedoms
- Stop Allowing Fox News and CNN to Report Biased News
Incentivize Small Businesses to Save America
Capitalism is what the American dream is all about. The ability for you to go out and start a business, make your own money, and help solve problems is what 32.5 million small businesses in the US are currently chasing. If you want to save America, look no further than helping small businesses.
What percent of businesses in the US are considered small businesses? 99.9% of them. Let that sink in.
The hard truth is that 9 out of 10 businesses that are started in America fail (around half of them within the first five years). Yet, the 32.5 million small businesses in the US employ 46.8% of the private workforce.
When you look at the statistics, 1.5 million new jobs are created every year, thanks to small business owners. Supporting small businesses is a great way to help save America. The government aren’t the ones creating jobs, entrepreneurs are!
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If you want to bring back the economy and save America, it starts with our small businesses. We need to not only support small businesses, but the government needs to create more incentives for people to start a business and employ Americans. There isn’t enough being done to help small businesses and allow them to get the necessary resources to survive in the market.
Meanwhile, the government is bailing out large corporations making billions of dollars annually (which is our next topic).
Stop Bailing Out Corporations
If large corporations can’t manage their profits, that shouldn’t be our fault and force the government to bail them out using taxpayer dollars. Want to save America? Then let big companies fail who mismanage their finances.
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There are companies out there (especially the airlines) who have shown annual profits in the billions. Where is that money going? To avoid bailouts, these companies should have managed their money better. How can you have billions in profits every year but then claim you’re on the brink of closing operations because you don’t have enough money to cover your expenses anymore?
Perhaps it’s a matter of the people at the top getting paid way too much, and cutbacks need to take place?
Do you want to get really angry? Check out the bailout recipients who got your taxpayer dollars and see how much money we are all in the hole for. Meanwhile, small businesses around the nation are closing their doors every day due to the government protecting big corporations that are out to destroy the little guy and push small businesses out of business.
Bring Jobs and Business Back to the US
Most Americans would be willing to pay a little more for goods if they knew the money goes toward American businesses and workers (and their families). Many big companies are taking their manufacturing overseas to keep costs and labor down. But what that’s doing is employing other countries rather than people here in America who could use the work and employment.
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To save America, we need to put America first, and it starts with our businesses. Putting more people to work who can earn a living wage allows more money to circulate in our economy, which only helps our country. This can be established by bringing businesses, jobs, and manufacturing back to the states. There’s no reason we can’t be self-sufficient and less reliant on importing things. Bring it all back to America.
Put an End to All the Printing of Money to Save America
Ever wonder where all the money that’s being printed goes? That’s a great question. We know that trillions of dollars have gone overseas to help other countries throughout 2022. But have you ever wondered what a lot of the breakdown looks like?
Take a peek at our US Debt Clock. Talk about infuriating! At the time of writing the words for this article, we are currently sitting at over $30,627,837,114,849 and climbing by the second. By the time you read this, that number will have increased substantially. The debt per taxpayer breaks down to $243,787 at the time of publishing this article.
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While many Americans received $1,200 stimulus payments during COVID, what exactly has that done to save America? Nothing. The money comes in and goes directly out. Where? To those at the top.
Now, that’s capitalism. Those who are at the top own businesses and have positioned themselves that the amount of revenue they produce while sleeping is more than most people make working a week, several weeks, even several months or more. I’m not mad at them, good for them for taking risks and positioning themselves in such a manner.
But thinking that we can save America by printing more money and handing it out recklessly is not benefiting any of us. We need to better control our spending and stop printing money to give to people with their hands out. We ALL need to get to work for the greater good of our country.
Stop Policing the Entire World on Our Dime
I don’t want people to read this and get the wrong message of what I’m trying to say. But why are we policing the entire world? Why do we need to stick our neck in every event that takes place overseas? Every dollar we spend to police the world comes from the taxpayers. And honestly, we’re all getting sick of it.
We need to start putting America first. If we put this country first, we can save America from the downward spiral we are in. We are the laughingstock of the world right now, and we are losing more and more power on the global front with each passing day. Look at what’s taken place with the value of the dollar. Countries only like us when we send them money or come to the rescue.
The things that the government does by their own will and with their own interests at heart are damaging the lives of the American people. Enough is enough. We need to save America before it gets to the point of no return.
The best thing for this nation to do is to focus on us and our people. This nation and its people are hurting — mentally, physically, and financially. Why? Because the government’s interests and focus are not on us, it’s everyone else in the world. We can get into insider trading talks and how the things the government does with other countries are to pad their pockets, but we can save that for another time and place.
Stop Threatening to Infringe Our Rights and Freedoms
Does anyone find it interesting that the 2nd Amendment is trying to be destroyed and that the government wants to disarm citizens, yet we have spent trillions of dollars sending arms over to Ukraine to help their citizens fight off a Russian invasion?
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So, it’s okay to arm those civilians overseas, but it doesn’t make sense to have an armed country? That makes no sense. America was built with fundamental rights and freedoms that we have all been given at birth. Yet, the government is trying to suppress and remove them little by little until they have total control over the population. I’m sorry, but that’s not how it works.
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The government is run by THE PEOPLE. Not the other way around. If we want to save America, we need to save our rights and freedoms from a tyrannical government that is on a control trip to force all of us to rely on them. I, for one, don’t want or need the government’s help or assistance. In fact, stay the hell out of my life and business — I’m good on my own.
Our voices have been suppressed. We’ve all seen what has been happening on social media. If you don’t align with a certain mindset or mentality, your account gets banned or shut down. Why? Because the people are speaking the truth, and the government doesn’t want the truth to get out. That’s total BS. We need to do better to save America and get these dictators out of office, and it starts with your vote.
Stop Allowing Fox News and CNN to Report Biased News
At this point, people who follow Fox News or CNN are nothing more than sheep. As they say, there are two sides to every story and somewhere in the middle is the truth. So, why are we only focused on listening to one side? Why? Is it because people have checked a box to be affiliated with a political party, and therefore, they can only listen to one side of the story?
How can you help save America if you are so one-sided with your thoughts? You can’t. The government doesn’t want you to be patriotic — they want you to be obedient.
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I’m sorry, but if you’re so naïve to think that what you are being fed by the media on your side of the aisle is gospel, you’re absolutely clueless. If you believe the media, there’s no way you can help save America. In fact, you’re part of the problem.
If you watch the news, all you’ll hear about is doom and gloom. There’s rarely anything positive being talked about on the news. Why is that? It’s because the government controls the media, and in order to control the population, you need to make them fearful of everything going on — so they target only the bad news.
There’s a reason they say, “If it doesn’t bleed, it doesn’t lead.” They want to pull you in. They want you to get emotional and irrational. It’s easier to control people who run off of emotion rather than logic. Therefore, they put a bunch of bad news in your head to make you fearful for the future and that you should rely on the government.
Remember when Ronald Regan said that the most terrifying nine words in the English language are “I’m from the government, and I’m here to help.” Na, fam. I’m good. The government can see their way to the door, and don’t let it hit you in the ass on the way out. I don’t want the government being in any aspect of my life. And you shouldn’t either.
If you want to help save America, you need to start thinking for yourself and do your own research. Stop believing all the nonsense that Fox News and CNN put out on their biased platforms. All these platforms do is try to divide us all and inflict fear in our lives. Don’t let them. We will be just fine if we work together and come together as one nation that they can’t divide.
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