Use These Unusual Techniques to Create a Tiny Waist

By now, you’ve probably read every article and book about how to lose weight and tighten up your midsection to create a tiny waist. What do they all have in common? They’re trying to sell you on a bunch of junk and myths that sound good on paper, but the real-life application is easier said than done. Not only that, but how many times have you seen the old “results may vary” statement under an article or marketing campaign?

The truth is, what you are doing may be working from a fat-burning standpoint. You may even see the number on the scale going down, but when you look in the mirror, you’re still missing the tiny waist you’re trying to achieve. Well, you’re not alone.

What many fail to realize is that there is more to achieving a tiny waist than just focusing on your nutrition, resistance training, and doing your cardio. In fact, doing what I’m about to explain in this article could bring you quick results. That’s not to discount the inclusion of nutrition, resistance training, and cardio – THEY WORK. But these essential tips and strategies I’m about to mention are not what you’re used to seeing. Why? Because what you’re used to seeing isn’t getting it done, which is causing your frustration. It’s time to dig a little deeper and uncover some things that could be holding you back. Let’s dive in.

1. Reduce Bloating for a Tiny Waist

In many cases, the reason you aren’t seeing the tiny waist you want is that you’re bloated. This can be due to it being that time of the month, but many never take into consideration that the food they are consuming is the root cause of their bloating issues.

What can cause bloating?

  • Consuming too much food
  • Drinking carbonated beverages
  • Eating too quickly
  • Eating simple carbohydrates
  • Lactose (dairy products)
  • Food allergies
  • Not properly digesting food
  • High sodium intake
  • Constipation

While consuming less food and putting yourself in a caloric deficit can help you achieve a tiny waist, it’s the actual food and beverages you consume that should be of equal importance. Pay close attention to the food and beverages you consume and take note of how you feel following. All of the causes listed above are simple fixes by modifying what you eat/drink and working around those that cause you to bloat and feel uncomfortable.

Making sure your urinary function is optimal can also help mitigate bloating. Some find their bloat is due to water retention. When water can be expelled from the body rather than stored, it can help to achieve a flatter midsection and tiny waist. Try including more magnesium in your diet as well as vitamin B6. Lowering your salt intake slightly may also help battle bloating.

2.    Digest Your Food Better for a Tiny Waist

You may be asking how this is even possible since you, yourself, aren’t able to physically do any work to improve digestion. That it all seems to happen on its own after you swallow? The truth is, for some people, the digestive enzymes our body produces naturally aren’t enough to break down the food we eat into a usable form where it can be absorbed and utilized. Therefore, we need a little help by supplementing with digestive enzymes and helping create healthy gut bacteria through the use of probiotics (yogurt is a great option).

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Another reason why you’re having digestion issues is that you’re eating your food too quickly. This can be solved by focusing on two key elements of eating – speed and consistency. How quickly you eat food is directly related to chewing (the consistency of your food before swallowing). If you want a tiny waist, you need to be paying attention to how quickly you eat your meals and how thoroughly you chew up your food. Chewing twice and then swallowing isn’t going to cut it.

When you eat too quickly, the food passes through the digestive process too rapidly, and the food is not being properly broken down. It ends up being eliminated without ever extracting all of the nutrients. Eating a meal is not a race, slow things down and focus on chewing your food.

3.    Detoxification of Organs

No, I’m not recommending you go jump on the latest and greatest juice diet to cleanse your body (most of them don’t even work – it’s snake oil). What I want you to focus on is the health of not only your digestive tract, which I touched on above but also your liver and kidneys.

The three systems work together to help improve your health while also helping you (indirectly) achieve a tiny waist. The liver is responsible for filtering the blood that comes from the digestive tract. Once filtered, that blood can move throughout the body. Another function of the liver is to secrete bile to help digest the food you consume – which circles back to what I discussed in #2.

Then you have the kidneys. The job of the kidneys (or at least one of their main jobs) is to excrete toxins and waste out of the body. When you combine all of this, you have a filtration system that works around the clock to detoxify the organs and body to keep it functioning and performing optimally.

If your organs are working properly and are healthy, it can reduce the risk of inflammation in the stomach – again, indirectly helping you achieve a tiny waist.

4.    Manage Cravings

It’s incredibly hard to achieve a tiny waist when you can’t manage your cravings. When cravings happen, many tend to go with what they are feeling – which is typically something unhealthy and, more times than not, sugary. Those sugars spike insulin and cause your fat-burning to come to a screeching halt. One way to better manage your cravings is to sip water throughout the day.

What many people don’t know is that hunger can simply be a sign of thirst. So, in the middle of the day when you start getting HANGRY, drink a glass of water and wait. If the craving passes, it worked. If you’re still hungry, have a healthy snack to get you through to your next meal. The last thing you want to do is give in to your craving and consume something that won’t allow you to achieve the tiny waist you desire.

Try utilizing the skills and strategies above to take your results to the next level. Sometimes, in an effort to slim things down and create a tiny waist, it’s the small details like what’s mentioned here that can make all the difference in the world.

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Matt Weik

Matt Weik, BS, CPT, CSCS, CSN, is the Owner and Head Keyboard Banger of Weik Fitness. He is a well-respected, prolific writer with a global following and a self-proclaimed fitness and supplement nerd. Matt’s content has been featured on thousands of websites, 100+ magazines, and he has authored over a dozen published books.