The Two-Tier Justice System and New World Order

You can say what you want about the talks of the New World Order in the sense of there being a dramatic change to the political powers and balance both here in America as well as Internationally. You can also look at things going on in America and clearly see we have a two-tier justice system.

We’ve seen and experienced what’s going on between Russia and Ukraine and all the money we are putting into this proxy war against Putin (for those of you not keeping a tally, it’s over $75 billion at the time of writing this).

You can turn the other way and deny everything that’s going on, but that’s precisely what it is. The bigger question we should be asking as it relates to this thought of a New World Order is why is the United States policing the world? We’re broke, yet we find billions of dollars to send to Ukraine. Explain how that makes any sense.

But there are a few major topics that I want you all to think about. You can say I’m wearing a tinfoil hat or that I’m a conspiracy theorist, I honestly don’t care. But if you look at the track record of the conspiracy theorists out there here of late, they’re the ones having the last laugh as everyone who laughed at them, in the end, found out they were 100% correct.

So, let’s dive into some topics that could shift this New World Order, how there’s a two-tier justice system in place, and why you should be paying attention.

To preface this, I fully understand that this content will be suppressed, it will try to be hidden, and I’ll have a target on my back from the people who don’t want this information shared. But I fully believe whether you believe in the New World Order and two-tier justice system or not, you can’t deny the lunacy that is going on within our country and our people. If you find what I present below as helpful and informative, please share this with friends and family and link to it from your site to help beat the Google algorithm that will try to make it disappear.

Disclaimer: This article is based on the facts presented by the mainstream media, along with my opinions and takeaways from what has been published by these media companies and organizations. Feel free to do your own homework and go down the rabbit hole — because it’s DEEP.

The Government Wants to Control You as Part of the New World Order

The government wants to control you, and you can’t convince me otherwise. It makes me sound close-minded, but it’s the truth. It’s impossible to look around today at what seems like this New World Order that many in positions of power across the globe continually bring up and say otherwise. Even guys like Klaus Schwab talk about the New World Order and the Great Reset.

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Let’s look at gun control first as a part of this New World Order. How do you control the people? You weaken them. How do you do that? By not giving them the means to protect themselves with their 2nd amendment rights. It’s clear that the government is slowly chipping away at our means of protecting and defending ourselves from a tyrannical government. They don’t want us to be able to fight back and resist.

The pandemic was also a test to see how many people would comply to wear masks and stay home. Was the virus leaked on purpose? I believe so. The government told you to “do as I say and wear a mask or else.” So, what did people do, they put on three masks while driving alone. Heck, there are still people today who are wearing masks. But guess who didn’t wear masks during the pandemic? Some politicians were caught and thought they were above it all, like Pelosi, Cuomo, and Newsome, because nothing would happen to them because we have a two-tier justice system, and they’re apparently untouchable. It’s the old, “Do as I say, not as I do.”

Then you have health and food. The government wants you to eat at McDonald’s and Wendy’s every day. Why? Because they want you to be fat and unhealthy. But why? Because you’re easier to control when you’re fat and unhealthy and demand the government help you. And when I say “help,” I mean control you.

Here’s the thing, the government will make unhealthy food easy to acquire and at a lower price than healthy food. Being overweight makes you more likely to get sick with a disease. That then forces you to take medication. And once you’re on that path, there’s no looking back. They don’t want to find a cure for things like cancer because there’s too much money to be made from it. They’d rather you pay for treatments and prescription drugs for the rest of your life because they get money from you being unhealthy and needing these things. Fat, slow, sick, and stupid make for an easy population to control.

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How about your 1st amendment rights? Look at what happened during the election when social media companies finally came clean and said they had to suppress the opposition so that Trump wouldn’t win again. Anyone who posted anti-Biden or pro-Trump was removed from the algorithm, told their post was false and contained misinformation, had their accounts removed or were canceled altogether. Ask yourself why they’d do that. Because they want to control you and the narrative as it’s part of the New World Order where you as a citizen will have zero freedom, and the government will expect you to thank them for it. We’re becoming West China.

Leave the Kids Alone

If the world is shifting to a New World Order, the indoctrination of kids doesn’t make much sense, as many countries have been vocal in saying that the things happening in America are disgusting. And I’d agree with them.

Why are schools now telling our children it’s fine for them to identify as a different sex, as no sex, as a cat, tree, or frankly, whatever they want? As a parent, I’m not ok with that.

Why is it that we have drag shows, and we’re encouraging “the whole family” to come and enjoy the show and that it’s “kid appropriate.” Sorry, I have zero interest in taking my kids to a drag show. Listen, if you’re gay, lesbian, whatever, do you. I couldn’t care less what you want to do with your life and what your preferences are (unless it’s kids, then we have a major problem). It’s your life, do you. But don’t promote your lifestyle and choices on our kids. That includes schools that put books and lessons into their curriculum that promote this whole trans ideology. As a parent, I’m not ok with that, and the second I find out our school district is doing so, I’m pulling my kids out of the district.

Why is it that they changed the name from pedophile to “minor-attracted person” all of a sudden? Honestly, what the hell is that? Call them what they are — pedophiles and rapists. They should call them “wood chipper divers.”

If you’re attracted to children, you have a mental health issue, and you can’t convince me otherwise. And then you have California passing laws that basically protect these sick individuals. There are many people within the LGBTQ+ community who do not support pedophiles. And they should be outraged as the “+” in the acronym, as Princeton University puts it, “holds space for the expanding and new understanding of different parts of the very diverse gender and sexual identities.” Know what I take that as? The inclusion of pedophiles without calling them by name.

They’re trying to normalize all of this. “Minor attracted person” makes it seem like they’re harmless. But people want to say they’re just attracted to minors and want to do heinous things with them (an illegal offense), but they want us to separate them from rapists as if they’re worse than pedophiles doing the same acts to minors. Is this making any sense to you? Are you following what I’m saying and what’s going on?

The Tate Brothers

Before we dive into this, it’s important to understand that the Tate brothers are American citizens despite living in Romania. They were jailed for 90+ days without a single piece of evidence that they did anything wrong. Now, we come to find out at the time of writing this that they are charged with some crimes (I won’t name them here, you can look it up) that, if true, will put them in jail for a very long time.

For a second, let’s go back to the part of the brothers being American citizens who, quite frankly, are under attack and were wrongfully jailed. We let a man out of prison who wants to kill Americans and destroy our country and freed him to get a WNBA player out of prison from overseas who hates America and has said as much. Let that sink in. We bent over backward to get her released from prison overseas and bring her back to the US after she was convicted of having drugs on her.

Let me remind you the Tate brothers were not convicted of any crime. It is all alleged. So, why did the US not go to bat for the Tate brothers and demand their release? Hmm. Could it be because they aren’t part of the establishment and, if released, wouldn’t help the government and the corruption? Probably. So, the US government sat on their hands. Again, two-tier justice system where they’ll do something for one person and not another.

Do I think the Tate brothers did what they’re accused of? I don’t. But that’s just my opinion. The fact that Andrew is vocal about the things going on in the world and the US has had him targeted by “the matrix,” and mainstream media is blasting the brothers. The BBC tried to make a fool of Andrew in an interview, and Andrew made them look absolutely ridiculous.

Here’s the kicker. You have Jimmy Savile, who worked for the BBC, being accused of child sexual abuse several years ago. Guess what? They brushed that under the rug.

Then you have CNN, who loves to call people out but likes to look the other way when it comes to their own accusations. For instance, John Griffin was a CNN producer and was accused of “bragging about luring girls as young as 7 to his home for ‘sexual subservience’ training,” according to CNN.

If you look at how the media covered up Phillip Schofield, who admitted he was a groomer, nothing ever came of that, and he was seemingly “protected.” If you look at interviews, they went soft on him and “cared about his emotional well-being and mental health.” Meanwhile, we have mainstream media blasting the Tate brothers without ever being convicted of the crimes they claim or have evidence of. Whatever happened to innocent until proven guilty? Today, mainstream media automatically demonizes people who are anti-establishment and already paints the picture that they’re guilty. There’s a two-tier justice system.

Romania literally took everything of value from the Tate brothers. Cryptocurrency, land, buildings, luxury watches, luxury cars, the list goes on and on. For what reason? They haven’t been convicted of a crime. If anything, it’s a crime that Romania stole the Tate brothers’ possessions.

But let’s dig even further into this whole idea of a New World Order and a two-tier justice system.

Donald Trump Attacks

From the day Donald Trump got into office, the left attacked him with everything they had. For four years, they never let up in an effort to remove him from office. Well, as we’ve all seen, that never happened.

As we come to find out through a dossier, Hillary Clinton was behind the infiltration of Trump Tower servers and played a role in the fake Russia collusion storyline. But nothing happened to her, further proving we have a two-tier justice system.

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In case you need a refresher, this is the same Hillary Clinton who let our people and ambassador in Libya die after the Benghazi attack at the embassy. She’s the same person who destroyed her servers and devices intentionally after being under investigation. But not a single thing happened to her, not even a slap on the wrist. So again, explain to me how we don’t have a two-tier justice system in America. She tampered with and destroyed evidence.

But wait, it gets better. The government claims Trump had classified documents in his possession at his home in Florida. He’s now going to trial and before a judge regarding it, where he could be sentenced to jail time. Meanwhile, Biden had classified documents in his garage, and nothing is said about that, and it’s brushed under the rug like it never happened. Why is it that a man politicians fear (Trump) is under investigation and going before a judge, but the same is not done for an incompetent geriatric currently in the White House? Could it be that we have a two-tier justice system?

Just to remind you all, Trump put America first. Unlike the person sitting in office right now who should be indicted over money laundering. Nothing like taking your money, “giving it to another country,” and somehow, it allegedly makes its way back into Democrat pockets. Weird how that works.

Laws Don’t Apply to the Bidens Proving a Two-Tier Justice System

Speaking of the Bidens, it makes sense that Trump and Biden are polar opposites, right? After all, your family allegedly took millions of dollars from other countries, and “the Big Man” got a cut from it. But that “scandal” is being brushed under the rug by the mainstream media because we can’t have Americans understand that “the Big Man,” who happens to be our current President, took a bribe when he was Vice President where his family got millions to help push political agendas from other countries.

So, a politician took a bribe and didn’t even get a slap on the wrist. Again, you can’t tell me there isn’t a two-tier justice system. But wait, it gets better.

How long was it denied that the laptop found with Hunter Biden smoking crack and having sex with hookers wasn’t his? Then he finally admitted it was his. Then in his book, he explained all the drugs he was doing and when. Not thinking much of it because he doesn’t do much thinking at all, it was found that he purchased firearms and, on the paperwork, lied that he wasn’t doing drugs. That’s illegal, and if you or I would have done that, we’d be sitting in jail as a felon and unable to purchase a firearm or be in possession of one ever again. But guess what? He didn’t even get his hand slapped. And you guessed it, it’s due to a two-tier justice system.

Explain to me how Biden wants more gun control laws when his own son doesn’t follow the ones currently in place. If he were so set on enforcement of the laws already in the books, Hunter would be in jail for lying on his application. But this isn’t about gun control or saving lives, it’s about disarming Americans so that they can control us all.

Hunter also conveniently forgot to pay some taxes. Not much, just millions. What happened? A slap on the wrist and no jail time for evading taxes. But it couldn’t be due to a two-tier justice system. They would have kicked in our doors and arrested us if it were you or me. Ask Wesley Snipes how prison was after he was convicted of tax evasion. But here’s the little cherub Hunter Biden who had sex with his dying brother’s wife, getting off on all tax evasion charges and lying on his application to purchase a firearm. No two-tier justice system here.

UPDATE: President Biden in December 2024 pardoned his son, Hunter, before his presidency ended. This pardon underscores a glaring example of the perceived two-tier justice system in the United States. Everyday Americans facing charges of tax evasion or falsifying information on federal firearms forms often endure lengthy legal battles, significant financial penalties, and, in many cases, incarceration. The notion that the President’s son could evade accountability for actions that would land ordinary citizens in prison fuels public distrust in the fairness of the justice system. It raises serious questions about whether justice is applied equally, regardless of status or political connections, and highlights the growing concern that power and privilege shield certain individuals from the consequences of their actions.

Epstein Went to Prison without Clients

I’m no lawyer or judge and have zero background in law, but even I know that there has to be evidence to convict someone and put them behind bars. In order for that to take place, people would need to be put on the stand to testify against someone to prove what they are said to have done is the truth.

If that’s the case, explain to me how Epstein and Maxwell went to prison without having a list of clients and names. Odd, right? I mean, if you’re trafficking humans to engage in sexual acts with “clients,” you would imagine there would be a list of names, no?

Where’s the list? Why is it not being unsealed and allowing Americans to know who these people are? Why are these names being protected? If these individuals are pedophiles and engage in sexual activity with minors, why are they not being put behind bars? Oh, I bet it’s because they’re part of the “establishment.” It’s like the cool kid table at school. You get to do anything you want, and the group protects you because of their power.

I mean, we all see what happens to people who have dirt on the Clintons. They apparently go into a depression and end their lives by suicide. Look at the former Clinton aide Mark Middleton. He apparently hung himself and shot himself in the chest with a shotgun. That makes sense, right? But honestly, you know how long the barrel of a shotgun is, no? Now think about how someone could hold that and then somehow, with the other hand, reach all the way forward to the trigger guard and push the trigger. Oh, and while having an extension cord wrapped around your neck. And after taking a round to the chest (magically), you hang yourself. If you believe that, there’s a bridge to sell you.

Why is it that Mel Gibson wants to put out a movie about the pedophile ring in Hollywood, and he’s getting blasted for it? My thought is that if they weren’t engaging in such behavior, why would they have a problem with it being exposed? What do you have to hide in Hollywood and try to protect?

I fully believe that the names on the list of Epstein Island are politicians, athletes, celebrities, royalty, and other famous individuals. I FULLY believe it. Some of the names that were allegedly on the flight logs to Epstein Island, as published by The U.S. Sun, include Donald Trump, Prince Andrew, Ghislaine Maxwell, Bill Clinton, Kevin Spacey, Naomi Campbell, Chris Tucker, William Burns, Kathryn Ruemmler, Leon Botstein, and Noam Chomsky to name a few.

You Can’t Tell Me the New World Order and Two-Tier Justice System Isn’t Real

What was mentioned above is only the tip of the iceberg when it comes to the New World Order and the two-tier justice system. The best thing you can do right now is prepare. I have a ton of content you can view here to help you better prepare yourself and your family for some rough times. And I think things are going to get much worse before they get better.

If you’re wondering what you can do to help improve the situation, it’s simple — stop watching mainstream media and start caring more about what the government is doing to control you and strip your freedoms and stand up and make your voice heard. They will further divide this country, tell you everything is fine when it’s not, and brainwash you further into their control and manipulation. The media these days is nothing more than an extension of the government, and as I always say, never trust the government.

Stop sitting there quietly, expecting someone else to stand up. You be that person. Tell everyone that you will not comply. That you will not be a part of their new normal. You will not be controlled, used, or manipulated. It’s time we unite the same we did after 9/11 and take on this challenge of getting back to the point where America is about the people, not the government. We can no longer accept that a New World Order is being forced upon us, nor accept a two-tier justice system. Everyone needs to be held accountable, regardless of who they are and who they know.

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Matt Weik

Matt Weik, BS, CPT, CSCS, CSN, is the Owner and Head Keyboard Banger of Weik Fitness. He is a well-respected, prolific writer with a global following and a self-proclaimed fitness and supplement nerd. Matt’s content has been featured on thousands of websites, 100+ magazines, and he has authored over a dozen published books.