A Tribute Fit For A King: Arnold Schwarzenegger

A tribute for the ‘The Oak’, Arnold Schwarzenegger, 7-time Mr. Olympia. If you want to know about him then this is it. Here is a detailed history on the man himself-including his various careers, training, feedback, routines, and even a quiz for you!

It’s only fitting to honor one of the men who changed the world of bodybuilding as we know it today. No one has ever influenced the sport of bodybuilding like “The Oak,” Arnold Schwarzenegger.

Without this pioneer to the sport, who knows what the sport would look like today. Arnold has changed the perception of bodybuilding to those who didn’t understand and viewed the sport in disgust. It was Arnold Schwarzenegger who brought many into this great sport-an idol many may say.

Arnold not only paved the way for the sport of bodybuilding, but he also became a huge part of physical fitness in the United States. Arnold became a huge impact on the Special Olympics Movement, which is how he later met his (then) wife, Maria Shriver.

He was also chosen to be chairman of the Presidents Council on Physical Fitness and also of the Inner City Games, which has changed lives all over the country.

It is only fitting to say that Arnold lived the American dream-coming over to the United States with $20 and knowing very little English. Not only was Arnold Schwarzenegger successful in bodybuilding, but also in acting and politics. He has turned himself into a very wealthy businessman and practices what he preaches by keeping himself in shape even after he stopped competing.

Arnold is an inspiration to many and I think it is safe to say that almost everyone in the industry is grateful for the things he has done since his journey to America. He embraced those he came in contact with and helped them succeed in their quest to follow in his footsteps.

I for one respect him a great deal and am honored to put together this article in his honor. There are those that follow and those that lead. Arnold Schwarzenegger never needed to be led — he created his own destiny.


Arnold Schwarzenegger Timeline

July 30, 1947: In Graz, Austria, Arnold Alois Schwarzenegger was born to Gustav Schwarzenegger and Aurelia Jadrny.

1953: Arnold was inspired to be an athlete after watching Olympic swimmer, Johnny Weissmuller.

1960s: At the age of thirteen, Arnold’s soccer coach tells the team that they will start lifting weights once a week for an hour. Arnold becomes addicted to lifting and decides he wants to be the best built man in the world. He then decides that his calves are too small and decides to cut off all of his pant legs in an attempt to use the odd stares as motivation to make him work harder on his legs.

1961: Arnold meets Kurt Marnul who was a famous Austrian bodybuilder. Marnul invites Arnold to a workout and puts Arnold under his wing.

1964: Due to his bodybuilding, Arnold Schwarzenegger becomes a great curler and becomes state and provincial champ. Arnold’s dad tells him that he is only allowed to go to the gym three times a week so Arnold decides to build a home gym.

1965: Arnold meets Franco Columbu at the Austrian Jr. Weightlifting Championships, which Arnold wins. He also served a mandatory one year in the Austrian military where he was a tank driver. He then went AWOL to enter his first bodybuilding contest, the Junior Mister Europe, which he wins. After the win, Arnold gets put in jail for being defiant to the military and serves seven days.

1966: Arnold takes three consecutive wins with The Best Built Man in Europe, Mr. Europe, and the International Powerlifting Championship. A gym in Munich called Putzinger Gym contacts Arnold and asks if he would like to run the gym part-time-he accepts. Arnold then meets up with Wag Bennett who teaches Arnold how to pose better. Arnold enters the Mr. Universe but loses to Chet Yorton, an American with better definition. Arnold realizes that there is more to bodybuilding then simply being big.

1967: Arnold puts all of his money together and buys Putzinger Gym. He then wins his first Mr. Universe titles, the NABBA Mr. Universe-Amateur. It is at the Mr. Universe that Arnold meets Joe Weider who invites Arnold to America to compete. He is then given the nickname “The Oak”.

1968: Arnold Schwarzenegger wins the NABBA Mr. Universe – Professional, IFBB Mr. International, and the German Powerlifting Championship. He also breaks the record for The Stone Lifting Contest which was held in Munich. Arnold then meets up with his idol, Reg Park. Reg takes Arnold under his wing and shares with Arnold some of his secrets. Arnold then grabs a duffle bag and twenty dollars and moves to the United States, knowing very little English. While in America, Arnold begins selling training supplies and starts his own mail order business under the name Arnold Strong. Arnold picks up a one year sponsorship from Joe Weider which set him up with an apartment, a weekly salary, and a free gym membership to the Mecca of bodybuilding, Gold’s Gym in Venice Beach, California. In return for this sponsorship, Arnold would allow Joe Weider to use Arnold’s name, face, and body for whatever advertisements and public appearances he needed.

1969: Arnold convinces Weider to sponsor Franco Columbu. He then begins training with the new-age bodybuilders like Frank Zane and Dave Draper. Arnold then wins the IFBB Mr. Universe-Amateur (USA) and then also the NABBA Mr. Universe-Professional (England). At the end of the year Arnold enters the Mr. Olympia for the first time but loses to Sergio Olivia.

1970: Arnold wins the Mr. World competition (USA). Arnold then had to opportunity to pose down next to his idol, Reg Park, in London at the NABBA Mr. Universe-Professional and won the overall. Arnold then makes it to the big screen with his first film called Hercules in New York, where Arnold played Hercules. Then at the end of the year Arnold wins his first Mr. Olympia by beating Sergio Olivia and ended up winning the next six Mr. Olympia’s.

1972: Arnold Schwarzenegger appears as a contestant on the Dating Game. At the end of the year Arnold’s father dies of a stroke.

1974: Arnold beings taking acting lessons. He then appears in a Rolling Stone interview where he states: “At that point, I didn’t think about money. I thought about the fame, about just being the greatest. I was dreaming about being some dictator of a country or some savior like Jesus. Just to be recognized.”

1975: Arnold then appears in the New York Times and was asked who he admires the most and answered with: “I admired Hitler, for instance, because he came from being a little man with almost no formal education up to power. And I admire him for being such a good public speaker.”

1976: Arnold officially retires from competition. Arnold appeared in the comedy Stay Hungry, where he played Joe Santo.

1977: Arnold stars as himself along with Lou Ferrigno and Franco Columbu in Pumping Iron. The same year Arnold released his autobiography, Arnold: The Education Of A Body-Builder. Arnold then goes to a tennis tournament where he meets Maria Shriver. She then invites him to play tennis at the Kennedy Family Compound. It is at the Kennedy Coupound that Arnold acquires a taste for cigars.

1978: Arnold Schwarzenegger is turned down for the part as the Incredible Hulk because he was too short. His arch rival Lou Ferrigno got the part.

1979: Arnold earns his BS in Business and International Economics from the University of Wisconsin at Superior. Later that year Arnold plays a “handsome stranger” in The Villain and then plays Lars the “gym instructor” in Scavenger Hunt.

1980: Arnold comes out of retirement and competes in the Mr. Olympia.

1982: Arnold stars in Conan the Barbarian, where he got the lead role as Conan. During the shooting of the movie, Arnold acquires many injuries, including a back injury which he acquired from falling down a ten foot ledge directly on his back.

1983: Arnold becomes a naturalized U.S. citizen.

1984: Arnold stars in Conan the Destroyer, again getting the lead role. Later that year, Arnold starred in a movie which will go down in history as he plays The Terminator in The Terminator.

1985: He plays Kalidor in Red Sonja and then plays John Matrix in Commando.

1986: Arnold Schwarzenegger marries Maria Shriver. He then plays Mark Kaminsky (Joseph P. Brenner) in Raw Deal.

1987: Arnold plays Major Alan ‘Dutch’ Schaeffer in Predator and also plays Ben Richards in The Running Man.

1988: Arnold plays Capt. Ivan Danko in Red Heat and also plays Julius Benedict in Twins.

1989: Columbus, Ohio started the first Arnold Schwarzenegger Classic Bodybuilding Tournament. At the end of the year Arnold’s daughter Katherine Eunice is born.

1990: George H. W. Bush appoints Arnold as the President’s Council on Physical Fitness and Sports. Later that year Arnold plays Douglas Quaid/Hauser in Total Recall and then at the end of the year he plays Detective John Kimble in a kid favorite, Kindergarten Cop.

1991: Arnold purchases all rights to Pumping Iron, its outtakes and still photography. He then plays The Terminator in Terminator 2: Judgment Day. About a month after the movie, Arnold’s second daughter, Christina Maria Aurelia is born.

1992: Arnold Schwarzenegger is credited in directing Christmas in Connecticut.

1993: Arnold plays Jack Slater/Himself in Last Action Hero. Later that year Arnold’s first son is born, Patrick Arnold.

1994: Arnold plays Harry Tasker in True Lies and later that year plays Dr. Alex Hesse in Junior.

1996: Arnold plays U.S. Marshal John ‘The Eraser’ Kruger in Eraser and later that year plays Howard ‘Howie’ Langston in a Christmas movie called Jingle All the Way.

1997: He has heart surgery to correct a defective aortic valve. Later that year Arnold plays Mr. Freeze/Dr. Victor Fries in Batman & Robin. Towards the end of the year Arnold’s second son, Christopher Sargent Shriver is born.

1998: Arnold’s mother dies of a stroke.

1999: Arnold plays Jericho Cane in End of Days.

2000: Arnold Schwarzenegger sells his Planet Hollywood stock and later that year plays Adam Gibson in The 6th Day.

2002: Arnold plays Gordy Brewer in Collateral Damage. He then is interviewed by MSNBC’s Chris Matthew about how he became a Republican. Arnold replied with: “I came first of all from a socialistic country which is Austria and when I came over here in 1968 with the presidential elections coming up in November, I came over in October. I heard a lot of the press conferences from both of the candidates Humphrey and Nixon, and Humphrey was talking about more government is the solution, protectionism, and everything he said about government involvement sounded to me more like Austrian socialism. Then when I heard Nixon talk about it, he said open up the borders, the consumers should be represented there ultimately and strengthen the military and get the government off our backs. I said to myself, what is this guy’s party affiliation? I didn’t know anything at that point. So I asked my friend, what is Nixon? He’s a Republican. And I said, I am a Republican. That’s how I became a Republican.”

2003: While filming Terminator 3, Arnold is forced to have surgery for a torn rotator cuff. He plays Bar Patron in The Rundown. Arnold announces on the Tonight Show that he will be running for governor of California, which later that year he wins and is sworn in. Early while Arnold is in office he repeals an unpopular increase in the vehicle registration fee as well as prevents driver’s licenses being given out to illegal aliens.

2004: Arnold plays Prince Hapi in Around the World in 80 Days.

2005: Arnold has four ballot measures that he sponsors, but they were defeated. He appoints a Democrat, Susan Kennedy, a lesbian, as his Chief of Staff. Arnold scrambles toward the political middle, determining to build a winning legacy.

2006: Arnold Schwarzenegger is re-elected as governor of California after leading by more than a million votes and will be in office through 2011.

Arnold Schwarzenegger Stats

  • Height: 6’0″
  • Off-Season Weight: Around 235 lbs.
  • Competition Weight: Around 260 lbs.
  • Arms: 22″
  • Chest: 57″
  • Waist: 34″
  • Thighs: 28.5″
  • Calves: 20″

Arnold’s net worth has been under-estimated over the years with claims between $100,000,000-$200,000,000. However, with all of his investments (stocks, bonds, companies, real estate) his net worth is around $800,000,000.

  • The Oak
  • The Austrian Oak
  • The Olympian
  • Oak
  • The King
  • Champ
  • Arnie
  • Schwazzie
  • Arnold Strong
  • The Governator

Arnold Schwarzenegger’s Long List Of Titles

  • 1965 Mr. Europe – Junior (Germany)
  • 1966 Best Built Man of Europe (Germany)
  • 1966 International Powerlifting Championship (Germany)
  • 1966 Mr. Europe – Amateur (Germany)
  • 1966 NABBA Mr. Universe – Amateur (England)
  • 1967 NABBA Mr. Universe – Amateur (England)
  • 1968 NABBA Mr. Universe – Professional (England)
  • 1968 German Powerlifting Championship (Germany)
  • 1968 IFBB Mr. International (Mexico)
  • 1968 IFBB Mr. Universe – T all Class (USA)
  • 1969 IFBB Mr. Universe (USA)
  • 1969 IFBB Mr. Europe – Professional (Germany)
  • 1969 NABBA Mr. Universe – Professional (England)
  • 1970 NABBA Mr. Universe – Professional (England)
  • 1970 Mr. World (USA)
  • 1970 IFBB Mr. Olympia (USA)
  • 1971 IFBB Mr. Olympia (France)
  • 1972 IFBB Mr. Olympia (Germany)
  • 1973 IFBB Mr. Olympia (USA)
  • 1974 IFBB Mr. Olympia (USA)
  • 1975 IFBB Mr. Olympia (South Africa)
  • 1980 IFBB Mr. Olympia (Australia)

Arnold Schwarzenegger Movies

Need a movie to watch? You can never go wrong with an Arnold movie! (newest to oldest including some of the box office gross)

  • The Kid & I (2005)
  • Around the World in 80 Days (2004) $24,008,137
  • Terminator 3: Rise of the Machines (2003) $150,371,112
  • The Rundown (2003)
  • Collateral Damage (2002) $40,077,257
  • Dr. Doolittle 2 (2001)
  • The 6th Day (2000) $34,604,280
  • End of Days (1999) $66,889,043
  • Batman & Robin (1997) $107,325,195
  • Jingle All the Way (1996) $60,592,389
  • Eraser (1996) $101,295,562
  • T2 3-D: Battle Across Time (1996)
  • Junior (1994) $36,763,355
  • True Lies (1994) $146,282,411
  • Last Action Hero (1993) $50,016,394
  • Christmas in Connecticut (1992)
  • Terminator 2: Judgment Day (1992) $204,843,345
  • Kindergarten Cop (1990) $91,457,688
  • Total Recall (1990) $119,394,840
  • Twins (1988) $111,938,388
  • Red Heat (1988) $34,994,648
  • The Running Man (1987) $38,122,105
  • Predator (1987) $59,735,548
  • Raw Deal (1986) $16,209,459
  • Commando (1985) $35,100,000
  • Red Sonja (1985) $6,948,633
  • The Terminator (1984) $38,371,200
  • Conan the Destroyer (1984) $31,042,035
  • Conan the Barbarian (1982) $39,565,475
  • Scavenger Hunt (1979)
  • The Villain (1979)
  • Pumping Iron (1977)
  • Stay Hungry (1976)
  • The Long Goodbye (1973)
  • Hercules in New York (1970)

Arnold Schwarzenegger Books

Enjoy reading fitness books? You have a whole bunch of Arnold’s books to choose from (newest to oldest)

Famous Quotes From Arnold

“Having chicks around is the kind of thing that breaks up the intense training. It gives you relief, and then afterward you go back to the serious stuff.”

“Having a pump is like having sex. I train two, sometimes three times a day. Each time I get a pump. It’s great. I feel like I’m cuming all day.”

“I was always dreaming about very powerful people – dictators and things like that. I was just always impressed by people who could be remembered for hundreds of years, or even, like Jesus, be for thousands of years remembered.”

“The best activities for your health are pumping and humping.”

“I’ll be back.”

“Hasta la vista, baby!”

“Bodybuilding is much like any other sport. To be successful, you must dedicate yourself 100% to your training, diet and mental approach.”

“Everything I have, my career, my success, my family, I owe to America.”

“I can promise you that when I go to Sacramento, I will pump up Sacramento.”

“I didn’t leave bodybuilding until I felt that I had gone as far as I could go. It will be the same with my film career. When I feel the time is right, I will then consider public service. I feel that the highest honor comes from serving people and your country.”

“I just use my muscles as a conversation piece, like someone walking a cheetah down 42nd Street.”

“Milk is for babies. When you grow up you have to drink beer.”

“Strength does not come from winning. Your struggles develop your strengths. When you go through hardships and decide not to surrender, that is strength.”

“The last three or four reps is what makes the muscle grow. This area of pain divides the champion from someone else who is not a champion. That’s what most people lack, having the guts to go on and just say they’ll go through the pain no matter what happens.”

“The resistance that you fight physically in the gym and the resistance that you fight in life can only build a strong character.”

“The success I have achieved in bodybuilding, motion pictures, and business would not have been possible without the generosity of the American people and the freedom here to pursue your dreams.”

“The worst thing I can be is the same as everybody else. I hate that.”

“There is no place, no country, more compassionate more generous more accepting and more welcoming than the United States of America.”

“To those critics who are so pessimistic about our economy, I say, don’t be economic girlie men!”

“Training gives us an outlet for suppressed energies created by stress and thus tones the spirit just as exercise conditions the body.”

“You know, nothing is more important than education, because nowhere are our stakes higher; our future depends on the quality of education of our children today.”

“When I was ten years old I got this thing that I wanted to be the best in something, so I started swimming. I won championships, but I felt I couldn’t be the best. I tried skiing, but there I felt I didn’t have potential. I played soccer, but I didn’t like that to well because there I didn’t get the credit alone if I did something special. I just avoided team sports from then on.

“Then I started lifting through the other sports and I enjoyed it the most. I won the Austrian championship in 1964 but found out I was too tall. So I quit that and went into bodybuilding. Two years later I found out that that’s it-that’s what I can be the best in.”

“The only way to be a champion is by going through these forced reps and the torture and pain. That’s why I call it the torture routine. Because it’s like forced torture; Torturing my body. What helps me is to think of this pain as pleasure.

“Pain makes me grow. Growing is what I want. Therefore, for me pain is pleasure. And so when I am experiencing pain I’m in heaven. It’s great. People suggest this is masochistic. But they’re wrong. I like pain for a particular reason. I don’t like needles stuck in my arm. But I do like the pain that is necessary to be a champion.”

“A beginner does eight repetitions of a certain exercise with his maximum weight on the barbell. As soon as it hurts, he thinks about stopping. I work beyond this point, which means I tell my mind that as soon as it starts aching it is growing. Growing is something unusual for the body when you are over eighteen.

“The body isn’t used to ten, eleven, or twelve reps with a maximum weight. Then I do ten or fifteen sets of this in a row. No human body was ever prepared for this and suddenly it is making itself grow to handle this new challenge, growing through this pain area.

“Experiencing this pain in my muscles and aching and going on is my challenge. The last three or four reps is what makes the muscles grow. This area of pain divides a champion from someone who is not a champion. That’s what most people lack, having the guts to go on and just say they’ll go through the pain no matter what happens.

“I have no fear of fainting. I do squats until I fall over and pass out. So what? It’s not going to kill me. I wake up five minutes later and I’m OK. A lot of other athletes are afraid of this. So they don’t pass out. They don’t go on.”

“If you want to be a champion you can’t have any kind of outside negative coming in to affect you. So I trained myself for that. To be totally cold and not have things going through my mind. And it was a sad story when my father died. Because my mother called me on the phone and she said, “You know, your dad died.” And this was exactly two months before a contest. “Are you coming home for the funeral?” She said.

“I said: “No. It’s too late. He’s dead and nothing can be done. I’m sorry I can’t come.” And I didn’t explain the reasons why, because how do you explain to a mother whose husband died, you just can’t be bothered now because of a contest?”

“I can hide my feelings under my muscles. Definitely. I can hide them as long as necessary. And when I feel they can come out, I let them out. I think this is fantastic. It’s great to have control over my mind. Other people get mixed up. They can’t control themselves. They can’t go to work for a week or they can’t talk on the phone because they’re crying.

“I can switch myself back and forth. When I’m training for a competition, I can be what some people call inhuman, but really I think it’s more like being superhuman. Then after the competition, I can switch off again be human and very emotional and so on.”

“Not many people understand what a pump is. It must be experienced to be understood. It is the greatest feeling that I get. I search for this pump because it means that that my muscles will grow when I get it. I get a pump when the blood is running into my muscles. They become really tight with blood. Like the skin is going to explode any minute. It’s like someone putting air in my muscles. It blows up. It feels fantastic.”

“Body building should be fun because you get a feeling of satisfaction which is very hard to explain. A body builder knows when he pumps up his muscles it means growth. The muscles grow. So therefore he knows when he pumps up well, that is progress. And that satisfies him because he feels the progress in his body. Therefore the pump feels good.

“It’s actually the best feeling a body builder can have. It’s a difficult thing to explain. Like sometimes we joke around and we get a good pump and we say you have to admit that a good pump is better than coming. Somebody off the street wouldn’t understand that, but sometimes a pump is the best feeling you can have.”

“My definition of a sport is that it’s a physical activity that involves competition. Since bodybuilders train and then compete, we are certainly a sport. The unique thing about bodybuilding is that when I compete, it is just me on a stage alone. There is no field, no bat, no ball, no skis, no skates.

“All other athletes have to use equipment, like a football. As soon as the football if thrown, where does the eye go? To the football. But I don’t use anything in competition except myself. It’s just me up there. Me alone. No coach. No nothing.”

“I think the public thinks I am narcissistic because I look in the mirror. What they don’t understand is that is the only way I can check my progress. How do I know that my muscles grow the way that I want? By flexing them and checking them in the mirror, by measuring them with a tape or possibly by stepping on a scale.

“The mirror is by far the best because I can see each muscle’s definition. That is very subtle. Sometimes even another bodybuilder cannot see what I can. A swimmer uses a stopwatch like a mirror. A jumper’s tape is his mirror. But the public is weirdly afraid of themselves. They are guilty about the mirror. They think by looking in it there’s something wrong. How many mirrors are there in America?”

“You don’t really see a muscle as a part of you, in a way. You see it as a thing. You look at it as a thing and you say well this thing has to be built a little longer, the bicep has to be longer; or the tricep has to be thicker here in the elbow area. And you look at it and it doesn’t even seem to belong to you. Like a sculpture. Then after looking at it a sculptor goes in with his thing and works a little bit, and you do maybe then some extra forced reps to get this lower part out. You form it. Just like a sculpture.”

“What I’m doing is the thing I want to do. I don’t care what other people think. If the rest of disagrees and says I shouldn’t waste my time, I still will be a bodybuilder. I love it. I love the feeling in my muscles, I love the competition, and I love the things it gives me. I have never really had to work in my whole life. I’ve never had an eight to six job. I’ve always made good money. I’ve traveled all over the world competing and giving exhibitions.

“I’ve made a profession out of a pastime, which perhaps only five percent of the population can do. The other ninety-five percent are frustrated office workers, working for someone else. I’m totally independent. So, I… feel… if I would live again or if I would be born again, I would do exactly the same thing.”

“The better you get, the less you run around showing off as a muscle guy. You know, you wear regular shirts, loose shirts-not always trying to show what you have. You talk less about it.

“It’s like you have a little BMW – you want to race the hell out of this car, because you know it’s going 110. But if you see a guy in a Ferrari or Lamborghini, they slide around at 60 on the freeway because they know if they press on that accelerator they are going to go 170. These things are the same in every field.”

Arnold Schwarzenegger Workouts

Get pumped up with some of Arnold’s workouts!

Workout #1:

  • 15-20 total sets
  • Rep range between 6-15
  • Rest 8-10 hours between morning and evening workouts


  • Morning- Chest/Back
  • Evening- Thighs/Calves


  • Morning- Shoulders/Upper Arms/Forearms/Calves


  • Morning- Chest/Back
  • Evening- Thighs/Calves


  • Morning- Shoulders/Upper Arms/Forearms/Calves


  • Morning- Chest/Back
  • Evening- Thighs/Calves


  • Morning- Shoulders/Upper Arms/Forearms/Calves

*abdominals everyday

Workout #2:

  • 15-20 total sets
  • Rep range between 6-15
  • Rest 8-10 hours between morning and evening workouts


  • Morning- Chest/Back
  • Evening- Legs


  • Morning- Shoulders/Upper Arms/Forearms


  • Morning- Chest/Back
  • Evening- Legs


  • Morning- Shoulders/Upper Arms/Forearms


  • Morning- Chest/Back
  • Evening- Legs


  • Morning- Shoulders/Upper Arms/Forearms

*calves and abdominals in every evening workout

Workout #3:

  • 15-20 total sets
  • Rep range between 6-15
  • Rest 8-10 hours between morning and evening workouts


  • Morning- Chest/Back
  • Evening- Forearms


  • Morning- Shoulders/Traps
  • Evening- Upper Arms


  • Morning- Thighs
  • Evening- Hamstrings


  • Morning- Chest/Back
  • Evening- Forearms


  • Morning- Shoulders/Traps
  • Evening- Upper Arms


  • Morning- Thighs
  • Evening- Hamstrings

*calves and abdominals in every evening workout

Workout #4:

Mon, Wed, Fri:


  • Barbell Bench Press: 4 sets of 10, 8, 6, 4
  • Barbell Incline Press: 4 sets of 10, 8, 6, 4
  • Dumbbell Flyes: 3 sets of 10, 8, 6
  • Dips: 3 sets of 15, 10, 8
  • Pullovers: 3 sets of 15 reps each


  • Chin-ups: 4 sets of 10 reps minimum
  • Close-Grip Chins: 4 sets of 10 reps each
  • T-Bar Rows: 4 sets of 15, 12, 8, 6
  • Bent-Over Barbell Rows: 4 sets of 8 to 12 reps


  • Squats: 4 sets of 10, 8, 6, 4
  • Front Squats: 4 sets of 10, 8, 8, 6
  • Hack Squats: 3 sets of 10 each
  • Leg Curls: 4 sets of 20, 10, 8, 6
  • Standing Leg Curls: 4 sets of 10 reps each
  • Straight-Leg Deadlift: 3 sets of 10 each


  • Donkey Calf Raises: 4 sets of 10 reps each
  • Standing Calf Raises: 4 sets of 15, 10, 8, 8


  • Crunches: 3 sets of 25 reps each
  • Bent-Over Twists: 100 reps each side
  • Machine Crunches: 3 sets of 25 reps each

Tues, Thurs, Sat:


  • Behind-the-Neck Barbell Presses: 4 sets of 10, 8, 8, 6
  • Lateral Raises: 4 sets of 8 reps each
  • Bent-Over Dumbbell Laterals: 4 sets of 8 reps each
  • Dumbbell Shrugs: 3 sets of 10 reps each

Upper Arms:

  • Standing Barbell Curls: 5 sets of 15, 10, 8, 6, 4
  • Incline Dumbbell Curls: 4 sets of 8 reps each
  • Concentration Curls: 3 sets of 8 reps each
  • Lying Tricep Extensions: 4 sets of 15, 10, 8, 6
  • Tricep Cable Pushdowns: 3 sets of 8 reps each
  • One-Arm Tricep Extensions: 3 sets of 10 reps each


  • Barbell Wrist Curls 4 sets of 10 reps each
  • Reverse Wrist Curls 3 sets of 10 reps each


  • Seated Calf Raises: 4 sets of 10 reps each


  • Vertical Bench Crunches: 4 sets of 25 reps each
  • Reverse Crunches: 4 sets of 25 reps each
  • Seated Twists: 100 reps each side
  • Vertical Bench Crunches: 4 sets of 25 reps each

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Matt Weik

Matt Weik, BS, CPT, CSCS, CSN, is the Owner and Head Keyboard Banger of Weik Fitness. He is a well-respected, prolific writer with a global following and a self-proclaimed fitness and supplement nerd. Matt’s content has been featured on thousands of websites, 100+ magazines, and he has authored over a dozen published books.