Storing Water and Creating Water for Survival in Your Home
We are seeing shortages of food and even water throughout the world. Have you ever stopped to wonder if you’re prepared? Are you storing water? Do you have a means of creating water for survival?
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Turn on any news channel, and you’re going to see how bad things are getting in the world. I’m not here to scare anyone, I merely want you to start thinking about how you and your family will survive should something happen that causes the water to get turned off and supplies on the shelves are empty.
You should be storing water and have a means of creating water for survival or at least understanding what you can do as you can only survive around three days without water.

Now, I’m by no means a “prepper” in the sense that if the end of the world were to happen, I’d be the last man standing and able to plant a seed and start civilization all over again. However, I’ve been in the game long enough to understand what things you’re going to need in order to make a hard time or SHTF scenario a little less stressful.
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In this article, we are going to look at different ways of storing water and even creating water for survival right in the privacy of your own home. These strategies aren’t something others will see you doing and tip them off to come knocking if an adverse scenario were to pop off, which can also allow you to shelter in place should something happen and have no need to risk your life going out into the crazy world for supplies.
It should also be said that on top of water, you should have some long-term food storage on hand as well for you and your family and a few jerry cans for fuel and water storage.
Table of contents
The Supplies Needed for Storing Water and Creating Water for Survival
There are four main things you’re going to want to have in a crisis when it comes to having and creating water for survival. This is merely the tip of the iceberg, but it’s a good start for preparing yourself and your family.
Here are the four items you should have (they don’t need to be the exact products or brands, but should be similar in function):
- Aqua-Tainer Water Containers
- Big Berkey Gravity-Fed Water Filter
- Jackery 1000 Solar Generator System
- Frigidaire Dehumidifier
Now, I’m going to be fully transparent with you regarding this topic. Storing water and creating water for survival is not going to be possible by looking under your couch cushions for loose change — it’s going to be an investment. But this investment could save your life in a crisis.
Let’s look at each of these items to understand their use.
Aqua-Tainer Water Containers for Storing Water
You need to be storing water not only for a SHTF scenario but what if you have a summer blackout or if the power goes out during a winter storm? The Aqua-Tainer water containers are the perfect means of storing water that can be kept in your basement or anywhere you store supplies.
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Each of the Aqua-Tainer water containers stores seven gallons of water. To store the water long-term, you’re going to want to add something like water purification drops into the water to properly store it. Using such a product to treat your water will allow you to keep and store it for up to five years without causing the growth of pathogens within the container/water.
These cubes are stackable to help take up less space when storing water.
Big Berkey Gravity-Fed Water Filter for Drinkable Water
Whether you collect water from a stream, river, lake, creek, etc., you’re going to want to filter it before drinking. Storing water is one thing but having drinkable water that won’t make you sick is incredibly important.
Whether you’re creating water for survival by using the tools found in this article or using a water source outdoors, filtering water will help eliminate pathogens and bacteria that can cause you to get sick (or worse).
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Two filters for the Big Berkey will last you around 6,000 gallons, which should be more than enough to get you through most situations. Best of all, this filter system requires no power to be used and can take any water source and filter it into something you can safely drink.
But how can you go about creating water, whether to store or to drink? That’s where our next two items come into play.
Jackery 1000 Solar Generator System
Think about what happens during a power outage. You wonder how you’ll keep your deep freezer working, will your food spoil, and how will you power your device to keep in touch with people or emergency services? All of these scenarios can be stressful. Having power is key.
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The Jackery 1000 Solar Generator System is a large power station that can be charged by using the solar panels that come with the system. Not only can you use the generator as a standalone, but you can also charge and use the generator simultaneously.
If you have a mini fridge, deep freezer, portable fridge/freezer like a Dometic, or anything that can keep your food from spoiling, you can keep it powered, assuming it runs under 1000 watts on the Jackery 1000.
I’ve used this system several times during power outages, when camping, and when out in the yard working where I couldn’t run power on my property. It works flawlessly and has enough juice to power just about anything I throw at it. Best of all, it’s portable and can go with you wherever you go (it’s about the weight of a car battery). If I use it hard, I simply plug in the solar panels and let the sun do its job.
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What makes this Jackery 1000 Solar Generator System important is that it can power our next item in an emergency.
Frigidaire Dehumidifier for Creating Water for Survival
You need to get creative if you run out of water. You can use pool water, collect rainwater, and even use water from your hot water tank. But utilizing something like a dehumidifier provides you with the means of creating water for survival.
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While it won’t be like turning on a faucet and getting water, a dehumidifier can be placed in your basement or garage and can get to work creating water for survival. As the dehumidifier pulls moisture from the air, it will start storing water in the internal bucket that you can then pull out and dump into your Big Berkey to start filtering.
Even if the power is out, you can plug your dehumidifier into the Jackery 1000 and run it to collect water.
How Prepared Are You with Storing Water and Creating Water for Survival?
After touching on the items in this article and how to effectively store and create water, how prepared are you? If you’ve never thought about this before, hopefully, it has given you some ideas. You don’t have to go down a survival rabbit hole in order to figure out what you need and how to use the necessary items to survive various situations.
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Storing water and having a way of creating water for survival in your home could be the difference between life and death, depending on the circumstance you find yourself in. Having a plan and planning ahead is critical — especially with everything going on in the world today.
At a bare minimum, you should at least have something like a Sawyer Mini to filter water in a pinch where you don’t have clean drinking water and need to filter what you were able to collect but don’t have any of the things mentioned in this article.
Having the necessary supplies of food, water, and shelter are non-negotiable. Having food stored, such as canned foods or freeze-dried food, can provide you with a safety net and, in some instances, can last up to 25 years or longer, depending on the products you get.
If you found this article helpful, please share it with your friends and family or on your blog. Storing water is key to being prepared, and in an emergency, having the means of creating water for survival in your home can help preserve life until emergency services can get to you or until the scenario plays through and you come out the other end of it.