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Book Description:
Stop wishing for greatness and start working toward greatness. You have it in you to become your own G.O.A.T. Stop looking for a different life and start pushing yourself to do and be better.
This book contains 15 strategies to win in business and life. It will teach you how to increase your productivity, clarity, happiness, and income to become your own Greatest of All Time.
No one is going to hand you a better life for you and your family. You are going to need to make the necessary changes for yourself in order to create the life you've always wanted.
Nothing works unless you do. Match your actions to your ambitions.
Book Description:
Very few consider themselves successful and an even smaller amount say they know how to properly set goals. For that reason, many will get frustrated, give up, and fail. But, that’s not you.
You’re listening to this audiobook because you want to better understand how to properly set up your goals to win at life. After all, no one out there is looking to lose. If you are, what’s the point in trying?
This audiobook isn’t for quitters. It’s not for people who are entitled or expect things to be handed to them.
These strategies are for those who are willing to go out there and WORK for what they want and utilize the process and steps to WIN, and WIN BIG.
Book Description:
Have you just started a business and are in the infancy stage? Maybe you’re an established business looking for something new and fresh to take your sales to the next level?
This book can touch a wide gamut of experience. It'll touch on things you may be familiar with, but never implemented into your business. It could even touch on things you never considered.
So, who am I? I’m simply a guy who has been through the ups and downs in his own business and wants to share my own personal experiences during the process. I’d love to take you along through my journey of what I’ve found useful, what I’ve found irrelevant, and how to set yourself up for entrepreneurial business success.
Book Description:
Everyone begins their path to health and fitness with good intentions. However, those intentions seem to fall to the wayside when life and work get in the way.
Just because you live a busy life doesn’t mean you can’t still find time to exercise. In fact, the hardest yet most important piece of the equation comes down to what you eat on a daily basis.
By simply having a game plan and making your health a priority, you can take charge of your life, minimize the risk of getting sick, and find yourself more productive thanks to your increased energy and newfound lifestyle.
I’m not saying it will be easy, but it will most certainly be worth it.
Book Description:
With the personal training industry growing 8% each year, more and more competition is knocking at your door. By 2020 there will be over 300,000 personal trainers in the United States.
The struggle to build a personal training business is real. Many mistakes are made that cost training businesses and personal trainers a lot of money. Don't make the same mistakes.
This audiobook will show you 35 common mistakes personal trainers and personal training businesses make so you can bypass the pitfalls you may encounter during your growth.
If you're looking to build a personal training business, this book is a MUST.
Book Description:
We all strive to become successful, regardless of what our own personal definition of "success" is. But, what if there were shortcuts to help you lay the foundation and move you closer to your goals?
This book covers 20 concepts and strategies (that all start with the letter "C") you need to implement and understand in order to put yourself in a situation to win.
When you take the concepts found in this book and apply them to your own life, the sky is the limit with what you can accomplish.
Regardless if you are striving to achieve personal growth or success with your business, this book is a must-read.
Book Description:
We live in a world that is unfortunately surrounded by hatred and violence. People we don't even know, ultimately want to do us harm. What are we to do? We cannot live in fear. So, we must have plans and strategies in place.
This book will help change your mindset and will have you thinking differently.
You'll see value in preparation and in improving your skills and abilities. Skills such as strength, situational awareness, self-defense, and many others. It focuses on health and ensuring you are fit. When seconds count, you are your own first responder and are responsible for not only yourself, but those around you.
Are you ready? Are you fit for survival?
Book Description:
As a sales professional, your job could cause you to travel frequently. This can have a toll on your health and well-being.
You're forced to find healthy meals on the road, sleep in a bed other than your own, and spend long hours sitting in cars and planes.
Combine all of these into one and you create the potential for an unhealthy lifestyle that can place a lot of extra weight around your midsection. Ultimately, this can compromise your health and puts you at risk of coming down with an illness or disease.
This book will give you tips and strategies on how you can get and stay in shape while you travel. Get fit to sell!
Book Description:
Childhood obesity is a real concern these days. Look around you. The health of our nation is deteriorating due to lack of exercise and poor nutritional habits. We are so consumed by technology that we have become lazy.
Adults are supposed to be educating our youth — instead, they are teaching children poor habits that put them at risk for chronic health issues and disease. Parents need to lead by example.
This book is an informative guide to understanding how to help prevent your child from becoming part of the obesity epidemic.
Start them young and begin forming healthy habits that can last a lifetime.
Book Description:
In a world full of opinions and negativity, how do you block out the noise and focus on YOU? It can be difficult.
This book is not for the sensitive or easily triggered.
The purpose of this book is to outline how to stay focused and on track to dominate by understanding why others don't want you to succeed. When you learn to ignore the opinions of outsiders, you can become laser-focused. This can help you achieve your goals and side-step potential roadblocks and frustration.
When you create a "f*ck your opinion" mentality, you can become clear with your path so you can go execute your plan. This can create tremendous success and happiness in your life. Opinions are not factual and can derail your momentum.
Book Description:
Do you feel like you aren't getting nearly enough stuff done during the day?
Are you leaving work at the end of each day wondering where the time went and that you accomplished nothing?
The fact of the matter is, you're probably wasting a lot of your time due to various reasons and it's crushing your productivity.
This book is your personal playbook to help eliminate activities that waste time and replace them with new strategies that can help you get the most out of every second of your day.
If you value and respect your time, this productivity playbook will help put you in a position to win in life and in business by following and implementing strategies that produce results.
Book Description:
Everyone needs to start somewhere and find the motivation they need to take action. There's no better time than right now to take charge of your life!
Stop making excuses and start seeing the results you want and desire by implementing the simple strategies found in this book.
Whether you are a beginner or veteran of the iron, there's something for everyone in this book. Change your mindset and understand some of the obstacles you may face to plan ahead so you aren't caught off guard.
A healthy lifestyle starts with you!
My only question is what's holding you back? Nothing changes if nothing changes. The time is now!
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