Plogging: The Swedish Fitness Trend That’s Saving the Planet!

What if I told you there’s a good chance that plogging could be something you can get behind? Never heard of it? You’re not alone.

But have you ever found yourself wishing you could do more for both your health and the planet but feel totally lost on where to start? Believe me, I’ve walked in those shoes, wrestling with the desire to live healthier and tread lighter on the earth without a clear path forward and turning full tree hugger.

That’s when I stumbled upon plogging, this incredible initiative from Sweden that combines jogging with picking up litter.

Weird concept, right?

Imagine getting fit while also doing your part for a cleaner planet — it’s essentially knocking out two goals with one action.

For instance, just the other day I jogged to the “secret pond” I found and cleaned up some of the trash that was on the edge of the water before jogging back home.

The journey into plogging took me from its beginnings in Stockholm by Erik Ahlström to witnessing its expansion as a worldwide phenomenon, now embraced in over 100 countries. This goes beyond any passing jogger or fitness fad; it’s an impactful lifestyle shift that nurtures our well-being, unites communities, and safeguards our beautiful planet all at once.

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In this article, we’re going to dive deeper and look at why everyone should give plogging a go and how simple it is to start making a difference today. So, are you ready to transform how you view jogging — and trash collection? It’s time to become a plogger!

Disclaimer: This article is for informational purposes only and is not meant to treat or diagnose any condition. It is recommended that you speak with your doctor before starting any exercise program, changing your daily nutrition, or adding any supplements to your regimen.

Key Takeaways

  • Plogging is a fitness activity from Sweden that combines picking up litter while jogging, helping both your health and the planet. 
  • Erik Ahlström started plogging in Stockholm in 2016, making it not just a workout but also a way to clean the environment.
  • This eco-friendly exercise has grown into a global movement, now active in over 100 countries with millions of people taking part.
  • Studies show plogging provides a full-body workout by adding actions like squatting to pick up trash, leading to more calories burned.
  • Groups around the world organize plogging events, making communities cleaner while promoting teamwork and environmental care.

The Origins and Concept of Plogging

Plogging originates in Sweden. It combines jogging with picking up litter with a trash bag, promoting a sustainable fitness trend that benefits physical health and the environment. You’d be surprised how much you can junk there was in nature and shocked by the amount of stuff you find.

Combining jogging with picking up litter

I love jogging, even though sometimes my knees and lower back have other thoughts. But it’s my way to stay fit and clear my mind. But then, I discovered plogging — a mix of jogging and picking up trash. This Swedish trend caught my attention because it adds a meaningful twist to ordinary runs.

Instead of just passing by wrappers and bottles, I now stop, squat, and pick them up. It turns a simple workout into a cleanup mission for the environment.

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This activity isn’t just about filling garbage bags while on the move; it’s also an excellent full-body exercise. Bending down and stretching to grab litter works muscles that regular jogging doesn’t touch.

Plus, carrying the collected rubbish adds extra weight training. Every time I go out, I bring along recyclable bags for trash and feel proud as I help make my community cleaner, one piece of litter at a time.

There are so many people involved in plogging that they have shirts and bags you can get!

Originated in Sweden as a sustainable fitness trend

In 2016, Stockholm, Sweden, became the birthplace of a fitness movement that caught my eye: plogging. This unique activity combines jogging with picking up litter, making it both a physical workout and an environmental cleanup effort.

Erik Ahlström was behind this ingenious idea. He not only started the first organized “Plogga” event but also launched a website called Plogga to rally volunteers around this cause.

His initiative quickly grew into something bigger than just keeping fit; it aimed at protecting nature.

Sweden is well-known for its commitment to sustainability and environmental care. So, it’s no surprise that plogging started there.

As someone who has always been passionate about staying active and caring for the environment, discovering plogging felt like finding a perfect match for me personally — and I know many others feel the same way!

Clean Trails, Inc., a non-profit organization dedicated to preserving natural lands, embraced plogging as part of their mission too.

The simple act of running and picking up trash can make significant strides toward keeping our planet healthy and green.

Benefits of Plogging


Plogging enhances physical health and cleans up the environment. It also builds community spirit and promotes a green lifestyle.

1.   Enhances physical health and cleans up the environment

I found out plogging gives a full-body workout while making the world cleaner. This activity combines jogging with picking up trash, drastically cutting down on plastic waste, and keeping our streets beautiful.

Unlike regular runs, every squat to grab litter turns into an extra calorie burn. A 2022 study showed me that not only do I burn calories similar to a normal jog during plogging, but I also use more fat for energy.

This healthy hobby boosts my heart rate, strengthens muscles, and enhances balance and flexibility. Imagine improving your own health and the earth’s wellness with each step you take — it makes every morning run doubly rewarding.

Keeping America beautiful has become part of my fitness routine, proving exercise can have immediate positive impacts beyond just physical well-being.

2.   Builds community spirit and promotes a green lifestyle

Plogging is more than just picking up trash — it’s a way to bring people together for a common cause. It fosters community spirit by organizing litter-picking runs and events that have a festive, social atmosphere.

I sometimes go plogging with the whole family, and they love it.

Plogging groups collaborate with local schools, businesses, and government agencies to arrange larger-scale clean-up activities, creating a positive impact on the environment while promoting unity within the community.

The activity not only cleans up public spaces but also encourages a green lifestyle by combining exercise with environmental stewardship. Additionally, Keep America Beautiful endorses plogging as an effective strategy for bolstering environmental awareness and participation in communal efforts toward sustainability.

The Ministry of Youth Affairs and Sports in India has shown support for plogging, reflecting the global momentum behind this movement to build stronger communities through collective action for a cleaner environment.

The Global Plogging Journey


Plogging has spread worldwide, with communities embracing the activity in various countries. From small towns to big cities, people have taken up plogging as a way to stay fit while cleaning up their surroundings.

It has become a global movement, gaining popularity and inspiring individuals to contribute toward a litter-free environment.

Communities Worldwide Embrace Plogging

Plogging has become a global movement, with over 3 million people participating in organized or solo ploggas and approximately 20,000 individuals plogging daily across more than 100 countries.

Plogging events draw massive participation, with some attracting over 3 million participants. Ripu Daman Bevli alone has organized more than 500 cleanups across 80 cities, engaging close to 10 million people.

The initiative is gaining traction as actively works towards expanding this environmentally beneficial activity into a larger movement.

Over an estimated two million people engage in daily plogging activities in different parts of the world, marking it as a significant global phenomenon.

This green fitness trend promotes community spirit while simultaneously making a positive impact on our environment by encouraging everyday citizens to become active stewards of their surroundings.

Get Involved in Plogging to Get Fit and Cleanup the Environment


Plogging, a fitness trend originating in Sweden, combines jogging with picking up litter. This activity not only enhances physical health but also cleans up the environment and builds community spirit.

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As plogging gains global recognition, it continues to promote a green lifestyle and unite communities worldwide into ploggers. The positive impact of plogging on both individuals and the environment is evident through its growing popularity and widespread adoption.

Plogging Resources


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Matt Weik

Matt Weik, BS, CPT, CSCS, CSN, is the Owner and Head Keyboard Banger of Weik Fitness. He is a well-respected, prolific writer with a global following and a self-proclaimed fitness and supplement nerd. Matt’s content has been featured on thousands of websites, 100+ magazines, and he has authored over a dozen published books.