Muscle Cramps: The Science and a New Solution?
Most everyone has experienced a muscle cramp in their lifetime. Some are short-lived muscle cramps while others are the kind that seem to come from the fiery depths of HELL.
Disclaimer: This article is for informational purposes only and is not meant to treat or diagnose any condition. It is recommended that you speak with your doctor before starting any exercise program, changing your daily nutrition, or adding any supplements to your regimen.
The 411 to Avoid 911 from Muscle Cramps
We watch our favorite athletes sometimes come out of a game or a match with what appears to be an injury of some sort. Many times you see them grabbing their leg, often their calf. The good news much of the time is that it’s not an injury, rather muscle cramps.

Most people look for water, bananas, and electrolytes in order to keep muscle cramps at bay and maintain hydration levels. Experts believed that the cause of muscle cramps was due to dehydration of the muscle or lack of electrolytes. This then would cause the muscle to spasm and cause the individual some pain and discomfort. That thinking might actually be incorrect.
Striking a Nerve
A Nobel Prize-winning scientist from Rockefeller University believes he is understanding more about muscle cramps after he himself was sea kayaking and had both of his arms cramp up. What raised a question was that he had plenty of water and electrolytes prior to jumping in his kayak. So he knew it wasn’t a hydration issue. This led the scientist to do some research of his own.
What he believes is that the cause of muscle cramps is not actually due to the muscle itself, but rather the primary origin is the nerve. He believes that there is a misfiring of information (impulses) from the nerve to the muscle that is causing the muscle to lock up.
This scientist believes that rather than treating muscle cramps with water, a banana and electrolytes, using a spicy liquid would alleviate the cramp. The example he gave was along the lines of wasabi or hot chilies. These spicy foods and liquids (liquids get into the bloodstream quicker than an actual whole food option that needs to be broken down) tend to mellow out your nervous system, in turn when ingested before exercise can prevent a cramp or when taken during the onset of a cramp will help it go away.
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