What is Lactic Acid Training and Can It Help Improve Results?
Lactic acid training is a protocol that improves your ability to perform at a high level for longer periods of time. It helps build up your muscles so they are able to withstand the natural buildup of lactic acid that occurs when we run hard or lift weights. When we train hard, our bodies produce more lactic acid than usual, which causes fatigue and soreness. This is because lactic acid builds up in our muscles and works against them by slowing down their ability to contract and relax.
As the name goes, lactic acid training is a method that involves training in a way that makes your body produce a lot of lactate. This byproduct is released as your muscles produce energy during high-intensity exercises.
In this article, we will take a deeper dive into exactly what lactic acid is, what it does, and how you can utilize a lactic acid training protocol to improve your performance and overall results.
What is Lactic Acid?
Lactic acid is a byproduct of aerobic metabolism. This means it is produced when your body uses oxygen to break down glucose, or sugar, to produce energy. Lactic acid is also produced during anaerobic exercise (for example, during weight training), but this type of exercise doesn’t last as long as aerobic exercise (such as walking or riding a bicycle).
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Lactic acid can build up in your blood if you don’t have enough oxygen available to break down glucose to produce energy. This causes your muscles to fatigue, ache, and creates a somewhat “burning” sensation. The more lactic acid that builds up in your blood, the more intense the burning sensation in your muscles that you’ll experience.
Lactic Acid as the Fuel of Muscles
It’s not lactic acid but the expanded acidity in your blood that is responsible for the burning sensation you feel during intense training sessions. The acidity is caused due to the release and buildup of hydrogen ions, not lactic acid itself.
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In addition to that, according to research, delayed onset muscle soreness (DOMS) is from trauma and microscopic tears resulting from physical exertion and not the buildup of lactic acid.
Lactic acid has always been seen as a waste product that causes a burning sensation in the muscles. Recent research shows that lactate (or lactic acid) accumulation may assist in relieving the burn or muscle cramp created during high-intensity physical activity.
Lactic Acid and Exercise
Lactic acid training is a method of training that can help you build muscle, lose body fat, and even increase strength.
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