La Bellezza Italiana: An Interview with Cecilia Caputo
This Italian beauty was born and raised in Chicago, Illinois. Her parents immigrated to the United States from Italy in the late 1960s. When they came over they settled in Chicago where they still currently reside. It’s thanks to these two individuals that we are blessed with this stunning physique who is without a doubt easy on the eyes. Although she was born in the US, Cecilia Caputo has always considered herself just as much Italian as American. She has even lived in Italy as an adult for a few years here and there. Cecilia admires the culture over in Italy and feels as much at home there as she does in Chicago. It’s because of Italy that she first picked up a weight and began working out. The owner of a small gym she used to go to competes and used to encourage her to think about competing. He actually planned her first-ever “workout”. Now they chat every so often to catch up on her progress. Cecilia made the decision to make a move from Chicago and has made her way to San Diego, California along with her 8-year-old daughter.
Cecilia Caputo: One Smart Cookie
As if her looks weren’t enough to win you over, Cecilia Caputo is one of the smartest chicks you will ever meet. She has a Bachelor’s degree in Architecture and a Master’s in Business Administration (MBA). She is an Associate at a local Architecture firm and uses her MBA as background since good business sense is required no matter what career you pursue. Cecilia had originally started out as an accounting major, but after one class of that, she knew it wasn’t for her. She had always liked art and science in school so when she was looking at other career options she saw that architecture had a combination of both. After one class she fell in love with it.
Cecilia Caputo has been a licensed architect in the state of California for the past 9 years and working in the field since she graduated from college. Her main focus is commercial architecture. The majority of the projects she works on are research and development (i.e. Laboratory). It is a very specialized and detail-oriented area of the market.
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Being an architect can be exciting, rewarding, stressful, tiring, frustrating and invigorating all at the same time. It has its moments just like any other career. One of the things Cecilia Caputo likes the most about her job is that every day she is doing something different. This keeps her from getting bored with it as well as when it’s something she doesn’t like to do she knows tomorrow is a new day. Cecilia also really likes being out in the field on job sites watching as projects come to life—no matter how small they are. She had one job where the superintendent would make her arm wrestle him before every construction meeting. This went on for the entire duration of the project. What he didn’t realize was it was a lose-lose situation for him—if she won he looked bad and if she lost she could nit-pick his work on the project (HA!). When she walked on the job site or into a meeting for the first time with people who don’t know her she tends to get looks. Her boss calls her the “muscle” of the firm. This also means she carries all the heavy things around (guys, you better hit the gym).
Not only does this gorgeous woman have to wear a hard hat at work, but she puts on many other hats after work as well. As you can imagine she keeps pretty busy all the time with everything she is involved in—work, workouts, and being a mom. Cecilia Caputo is very organized and she plans out her day and week so that she fits everything in. She’s also very good at multitasking but unfortunately still doesn’t get much sleep. 4am is when the rooster crows most mornings and in then finds herself hitting the pillow at night between 10-11pm. Cecilia’s daughter always comes first and makes sure that is her number one priority in her life.
Not the Modeling Type?
Let’s be honest, some kids who have models as parents are embarrassed seeing their parent all over magazines and always being stared at by the opposite sex (ok, you caught me). Her daughter loves it! Well, Cecilia’s not sure what her daughter is aware in terms of what guys think and for now she plans to keep it that way. She comes to the gym with Cecilia and loves going to competitions. It’s great hearing her voice when she’s on stage “Mommy, mommy. That’s my mommy.” Cecilia tries to set a good example for her daughter. Her daughter sees how hard she works at the gym and with her nutrition. She believes kids learn from example—they learn from what they see. Her daughter is already smart enough to know what’s healthy and what isn’t when it comes to food.
As funny as this might sound, prior to a few years ago, Cecilia Caputo never considered herself the “model” type. She has always considered the typical model to be pencil thin which she is not and says she will never be. She has muscle and she has curves, both of which she is proud of. She loves that about herself and would never change—she is who she is. She seems to have taken the body she was given and developed it into an image people want to see and know more about. Cecilia Caputo may not have planned all this, but she is certainly enjoying every minute.
Although the lifestyle can be exciting and fun, it is also a full-time job. In order to maintain a great physique and have heads turn as you walk by means training a lot and always being conscious of what you eat. What she tries to explain to many women that approach her is that anything is attainable with hard work. Cecilia Caputo doesn’t just wake up looking the way she does—she works hard every day to look this way and with a little dedication and a lot of hard work they can do the same.
Some may wonder what someone would do when they wake up at 4am every morning—well, cardio of course! Cecilia Caputo does cardio almost every weekday morning at 4:30am (6am on weekends) and she trains with weights at 4:30pm in the afternoon (late morning on weekends). She typically does cardio 6 days a week and resistance training 6 days a week. Her cardio varies depending on if she is in the off-season or not, but it ranges from 30 to 60 minutes in the morning and about 20-30 in the afternoon. Her resistance training sessions are quick and to the point. She doesn’t mess around—time is too precious to her. She trains for about 1 – 1 ½ hours typically—concentrating on one body part per day. She trains heavy on upper body and light on legs. Cecilia mentions she has a lot of muscle in her legs and doesn’t need to gain more. She finds herself sticking to plyometric exercises more than anything for her lower body training.
The gym has become her home away from home. She knows most the people there and they all know her by now. They all have been a great support system throughout her preps for all her competitions. They watch as she transforms her body, whether it’s gaining muscle or leaning out. Cecilia Caputo wants to be pushed her training partner is a guy and she loves it. He pushes her every day and mentions she honestly wouldn’t know where she would be today without him. Sometimes it takes a little push from a friend to get you to lift a little heavier or to do one more set. He supports her and her goals which is very much appreciated.
Diets are where champions are made. Anyone can lift some weights every now and then but few can stick to a clean diet, especially during contest prep. Cecilia Caputo grew up on a Mediterranean diet with no fast food. Pasta, pizza, and fast food was never her thing and never something she ever craved. Her diet consists of lots of protein and low fats/carbs. She eats egg whites, fish, chicken and lean beef for protein and oatmeal, brown rice, wheat bread and rice cakes for carbs. Cecilia has always eaten relatively clean, which is why the diet doesn’t really bother her too much—it’s the quantity which is an issue. That and she likes sweets which she mentioned she obviously cannot have.
What Does the Future Hold for Cecilia Caputo?
When asked what the future has in store for her she mentioned she is definitely looking to get more involved in the fitness world in the coming year. She currently attends as many shows as possible in the fitness industry and plans to be at the Arnold Classic once again this year working with other Fit Treasures models as part of the Fit Treasures Team.
A potential project she has been working on/thinking through in her spare time is helping women make a lifestyle change. She’s not talking about competing but adding nutrition and fitness into their daily routine. All Cecilia Caputo hears from women who want to look better is that they don’t have time. Her goal is to show these women that it’s not as hard as they thought to find time to work fitness and eating healthy into their routine. Her first step for this project which she just completed was her Nutrition Certification through ISSA. This certification will not only benefit those she trains but she mentioned it will also help her with her own nutrition. Another project for Cecilia this year is to work on finding a sponsor. She feels she has a lot to offer both physique-wise as well as with her business background.
Cecilia’s main focus this year is her upcoming competitions. She is planning to compete in Jr Nationals, Masters Nationals, and the North American. She plans to look the best she can come competition day! Anything else that comes along the way is a bonus for the year.
In 10 years Cecilia said will still be going to the gym regularly because she truly enjoys it. Regardless of whether she is competing or not she will be there hitting the weights hard and pushing through her cardio sessions. Cecilia Caputo mentioned that as long as it is still fun she plans on competing for as long as she can. She also sees herself mentoring other women who want to look their best but need that extra push and guidance.
When asked if there was anyone she would like to thank for helping her get to where she wants to be she said, “There are so many people that have helped me get to where I am today. My basic values of hard work and dedication come from my parents. They brought me up this way. My daughter who sees me every day and still loves me even when I’m cranky from lack of carbs. I couldn’t ask for a better kid. My friends at the gym and not at the gym alike are always there for me providing support when I need it—especially the 4:30am ones that keep me honest. My trainer, IFBB Derik Farnsworth, is the best! He has definitely taken me to the next level. I have been working with him for the past year and a half and have to say I would not have the results I see today without him. Also, I want to thank all the photographers who see that special something in me. Special thanks to Tony OAMG who has been not only a great photographer but a really good friend to me. Lastly, Danny Fittro for always including me in events and allowing me to be a part of the Fit Treasures fitness models.”
*I conducted this interview with Cecilia Caputo on behalf of FitTreasures Magazine who has now gone out of business. The interview and title image was approved for use through its original use on the FitTreasure Magazine website.*
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