How to Get Sponsored or Become a Brand Ambassador
By a show of hands, how many people love getting paid for something they are passionate about as well as being given free supplements for your services? Go ahead and put your hands down. Again by a show of hands, how many people think they would make a great brand ambassador for a supplement company? If you don’t have your hand up, then you can simply disregard this article as it really won’t pertain to you if you don’t have the desire to become an ambassador. For those of you who have your hands up, only a select few of you will EVER get the opportunity to team up with a brand and become an ambassador or sponsored athlete for them—in some cases you might not even be compensated for your time!
A brand ambassador and sponsored athlete are extremely important to a brand and in helping to get their name out. Even the larger supplement companies are looking to bring on a good brand ambassador to push their product line and any new launches or exciting news to present on their personal social media platforms. So what exactly do you need to do and what steps should you take in order to be considered?
1. Who are you and what do you want for being a brand ambassador?
How do you go about letting brands know you are interested in becoming a brand ambassador or athlete? Simple, almost every brand has a tab on their website that says “contact”. Send them an email or message within the site (however they have it set up) and let them know who you are and what you can bring to their business.
The biggest thing I see these days are people who THINK they are bringing something of value to the table. The toughest thing to swallow is rejection when you think you’re a perfect candidate. Once reality sets in, the brand could actually come back to you saying they have no idea who you are. Then they may follow up with more questions such as do you even lift bro? Do you compete? Why do you want to represent their brand? What products of theirs do you like best? How big are your social platforms are and how many followers you have? Overall, you’ll need to have some pretty impressive credentials to be considered as a sponsored athlete or brand ambassador. So don’t just randomly choose brands you want to work with, make sure they align with your personality and that all parties would benefit from what you bring to the table. And don’t forget to do your homework on the brand. Know their background and key people who work there.
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