Have an E-Book? Looking for an Audiobook Narrator?

Publishing an e-book is an amazing accomplishment and one I have experienced more than a dozen times. Once you hit submit and go through the process of watching your e-book become available on various platforms across the internet, the sense of accomplishment starts to sink in. Once you start seeing the sales numbers roll in each month, you may want to consider taking the next step — finding an audiobook narrator to create the audio version of your book.

audiobook narrator

Audiobook Sales Are on the Rise

I can personally attest that audiobooks are on the rise. In fact, my audiobooks outsell my e-books at about 10:1. That’s not to say that e-book sales are dead, it’s simply that more and more people are looking for a convenient option to take in information and utilizing an e-book where you can listen in your car, at work, when doing cardio or working out, or just about any time you want to digest new information via audiobook you can do so.

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And in my opinion, I like the omnichannel approach where you can utilize one piece of content and use it across many platforms. This approach can be very lucrative for you. Take what you already have in written form and turn it into audio to further increase sales and revenue.

Audiobook Narrator Service

The toughest thing most face when thinking about creating an audiobook is the process. You need a good quality microphone, editing software, and a voice that people will want to listen to for a few hours. If you’re not quite sure you want to embark on that journey or don’t have the right equipment, that’s where an audiobook narrator comes into play.

audiobook narrator

For a while, I have been helping people out behind the scenes without making much noise. These individuals came to me after listening to my own audiobooks with several questions which lead me to where we are today. With a good amount of inquiries, I have decided to open up the service for others to take advantage of and solve their problem and pain-points. Being an audiobook narrator is not a simple feat due to the process of creating and editing. Not to mention ensuring you have the correct head and tail on each audio file as well as the correct format to be able to publish an audiobook online. There’s a lot of time needed to not only record the entire book at the audiobook narrator but then you can almost double that time due to the editing process.

That’s why many have come to me to take the wheel and drive home an amazing audiobook for them. Being an audiobook narrator is simply just that — I narrate your book. I don’t change or alter your book in any way — the way you send the e-book file to me is how it will be read and recorded. Whether you have a physical book or e-book, I can take what you already have published and turn it into a high-quality audiobook for you to sell online.

A Monthly Passive Income Generator for You

As you have probably found out through the sale of your e-book, each month you get a check or royalty payment for your published content. What better way to create some passive income than to also have your own audiobook generating income? After all, you already have the book completed, it only makes sense to take the next step to further bring in more passive income and revenue.

For me personally (since I can only speak about my own experiences), each month I get a report with the amount of money that will be deposited directly into my account from both my e-book and audiobook sales. What’s even better is that I don’t even do anything from a marketing standpoint — the sites I publish on takes care of all that (which is something I can also help you get set up with). Now, that’s not to say I couldn’t market my e-books and audiobooks on my own, it’s just I’m busy with client projects and don’t have the time to dedicate to it. For you, marketing your books yourself such as through a site or social media could play out to be time well-spent.

Having streams of revenue coming in that are passive is an amazing thing. And showing you’re an author has it’s perks as well when it comes to showing you are an authority in your space and knowledgeable about a certain topic.

Ready to Pull the Trigger with an Audiobook Narrator?

If you are looking to take your e-book to the next level, reach out to me about being your audiobook narrator. We can discuss the entire process and I can show you how using my services as an audiobook narrator can make your life extremely simple. In a sense, you’re completely hands-off and I deliver the finished product to you. It doesn’t get any easier than that.

Reach out and let’s get started today!

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Matt Weik

Matt Weik, BS, CPT, CSCS, CSN, is the Owner and Head Keyboard Banger of Weik Fitness. He is a well-respected, prolific writer with a global following and a self-proclaimed fitness and supplement nerd. Matt’s content has been featured on thousands of websites, 100+ magazines, and he has authored over a dozen published books.