Fox News and CNN Are NOT Media Outlets That You Can Trust!
Depending on how you speak and how you think, people will label you as a Democrat or Republican. If you mention anything slightly controversial on social media, you’ll have the keyboard warriors coming out of the woodwork to say you watch too much Fox News or CNN. Honestly, neither of them are media outlets you can trust.
Disclaimer: This article is 100% my opinion on Fox News, CNN, and these types of media outlets (if you even want to call them that).
– Matt weik
They say that there are two sides to every story and then somewhere in the middle is the truth. Well, on the left, you have CNN, and on the right, you have Fox News. Guess what? Neither of them is correct, and it’s the podcasters and independent media outlets that are in the middle reporting the FACTS.
Do you know why people like Joe Rogan and Patrick Bet-David are crushing it when it comes to media and getting views? It’s because they don’t care what side of the aisle you’re on, they’re going to look at the facts and report things.
Joe Rogan and Patrick Bet-David aren’t afraid to ask questions. They aren’t afraid to interview “the opposition.” Do you think either of them cares about your feelings? Nope. Do you think they care if the Left agrees with them? No. Do you think they wonder if people on the Right will stop listening to them? Not a chance.
Why is this? It’s simple. They look at the big picture versus trying to find only a piece of the picture that fits their agenda. They want the truth. They want to hear from all sides and, if they’re opposing, be able to find the truth somewhere in the middle.
Independent Media Outlets Do More Research Than Fox News and CNN (Combined)
I’m so fed up with media outlets today and their inability to report on FACTS. For starters, I’m a registered Independent, I think having to pick sides is absolutely stupid.
Why should you have to check a box and think a certain way based on what side of the aisle you want to sit on? I don’t need a comfy seat. I’m good sitting in the middle, making fun of both sides for being idiotic.
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I want you to do something. Do me a favor and open up a new window on your browser. Go to the CNN website and tell me if you see anything on the front page that talks about Hunter Biden, his laptop, or images of him smoking crack with hookers. In fact, I’ll save you the trouble — you won’t find anything. This is major news. Why aren’t they covering it and his dealings with countries overseas? Interesting, right?
Now, go over to Fox News. What do you see? News that opposes everything CNN says and articles that take shots at Democrats. This is a daily occurrence for both Fox News and CNN. They claim they both want fairness in reporting, yet neither of them can report anything without swaying one way or the other politically.
And we wonder why people can’t walk down the street without being fueled with rage and hate? It’s what they’re programmed to think by watching Fox News and CNN.
These media outlets are nothing more than puppets for the government. They are the ones trying to divide this country, and we cannot allow it.
There are no free thinkers, and neither Fox News nor CNN employs actual journalists.
Heck, the people who write their articles probably don’t even spend five minutes looking for the truth in a story. They merely report what they want based on which way they lean, or they pick and choose parts of news they want to cover without ever analyzing the situation from A to Z to find the truth and accuracy.
How are we supposed to believe Fox News, CNN, or any of these MSM media outlets? They aren’t worried about reporting the news or the truth. Their main objective is that they just want to bash the opposition, create fear among citizens, and try to control everyone by telling them how they should think and act.
Why Do We Only Focus on the Bad News Around the World?
It doesn’t matter if you’re watching Fox News or CNN, the “news” being covered is all negative. Fights here, gun murder there, COVID cases, Monkeypox, you won’t believe what Biden did, you won’t believe what Trump said, this person is dangerous, here’s more bad news — if you ever want to ruin your day, watch Fox News or CNN.
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– Matt weik
Everything on Fox News, CNN, and similar media outlets is doom and gloom. Think about how often do you see uplifting and positive stories when watching Fox News or CNN? It’s a daily attack on the other party and media outlets rather than focusing on actual facts and news. All they push is negativity as if trying to make everyone afraid to leave their homes.
I think people should completely stop watching Fox News and CNN. There are many Independent media outlets out there that you can engage with. The interesting thing is that many of these Independent media outlets are called “conspiracy theorists” because they report the facts and what you need to hear rather than what you should be told in order to view the other party as incompetent.
The funny thing is, most of the time, these Independent media outlets are 100% accurate, while Fox News and CNN try to convince you that they’re wrong by coming up with their own theories and making up fake evidence to align with their views and policies.
Here’s the truth. You can’t trust mainstream media outlets these days. None of them. Who do you think runs the media? Who do you think feeds them the information? How do you think they get intel and details on a story? From the government.
Well, as we’ve all witnessed over the years, the government doesn’t care about you or your family. Politicians are only worried about control and getting re-elected. You don’t cross their mind at all throughout the day, which is funny considering we all appoint many of these morons into office. It’s not a matter of who’s the best candidate, it’s more like who’s the best of the worst?
Do Your Own Investigative Work
I encourage all of you to stop relying on Fox News and CNN for information (heck, even radio stations). Do your own investigative work because we all know these media outlets aren’t doing it. Don’t rely on someone giving you the answers to your questions, go out and search for them yourselves.
We should expect more from media outlets like Fox News and CNN, but, in the end, all they do is lose more and more viewers. And they should for their horrible job at reporting factual news. As I said earlier, every story has two sides, and the truth is somewhere in the middle — go find it yourself.
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