Fighting for His Pro Card: Darrell Terrell

Below is an interview that I did with Darrell Terrell during his quest to achieve his IFBB pro card status. Enjoy!

The IFBB North American Championships are coming up the last week of August.  How’s your training coming along thus far in your prep?  Can you give us a description of what your workouts look like for this contest prep?

Darrell Terrell:  My training is going really good.  Workouts are short but very intense.  I have other things going on in my life right now, so competing in this sport as long as I have, I am starting to switch lanes towards more of a fulfilling direction of other things that I have always wanted to do.  For instance, right now I am in college getting my Bachelor’s degree.  I am in the 9th year of promoting my own NPC show and I have started to make an attempt at acting.  I have received some really good feedback with this and I love the new challenges that my life has coming up in the near future.  I have worked so hard my entire life getting my body in shape, putting on muscle and competing year after year. I have also made a lot of sacrifices, gone through a lot of adversities just to be in this sport to try to be the best I can be and to one day become a pro.  

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Are you working with a trainer or are you doing your own workouts? 

Darrell Terrell:  Dave Palumbo is doing my diet.  As far as training, I am training with my fiancée, Alisa, who keeps me very motivated!

How many weeks out did you start dieting? 

Darrell Terrell:  I started my diet 8 weeks out.  This year has been different because I kept myself 15-20lbs under my normal off-season weight.  I felt a lot better; dieting came easier and a little less stressful.

Can you give us a look into what your diet looks like for this contest prep? 

Darrell Terrell:  I am on a high protein, high fat, and small to moderate amount of carbohydrates.  Dave Palumbo is extremely good at this diet.  Dave and I have worked together in the past.  I just feel that my body responds better and stays tighter like he presents.  Yes, it is tough, but if you can make it through the diet, you will end up looking the best you have ever looked.  I feel that this diet works best for my body because I am a total mesomorph as far as my body type; therefore, it makes it a lot harder for me to get the weight off and to get into shape.

How are you feeling this far out from the show?  Do you feel you are on point?

Darrell Terrell:  I feel good and I am going into this show with little to no expectations.  I just don’t want to have expectations anymore.

Are you doing anything different in your prep for this show? 

Darrell Terrell:  I am not doing anything different.  I am just doing the basics; cardio, eating, and training.  Just like all the other athletes getting ready for this show.

You placed well in the last two North American shows.  Obviously, you are going there to win it… Do you feel this year the title is yours?

Darrell Terrell:  Well Matt, this is a great question.  Since 1994, competing in the NPC on a Junior and National Level, it seems as if I have had every placing there is to have but #1.  I want to win a show, and turn Pro, because I feel as if my tenacity, hard work, and dedication have proven itself.  So, yes the past two North Americans I have placed well, but as I just stated, “I am going in with NO expectations.”

Who do you feel will be your main competition this year? 

Darrell Terrell:  Well, this will depend on the weight class that I fall into.  I just want to focus on going in looking my very best.  I always tell myself that my biggest competition is myself.  I know that I always show up being in shape but honestly, it is up to the judges.  I feel that Lee Banks and Chulsey Graham are good athlete’s, along with many more.

What is going to separate you from them on stage? 

Darrell Terrell:  The thing that is going to separate me on stage will be my conditioning along with no missing body parts.  Now, don’t get me wrong, every athlete can improve on one or some areas.  For me, it’s my back and how I pose it.  So, this is just something that I have to continue to work on, but whoever I am standing next to, it will definitely be a contest.

What will this win mean to you? 

Darrell Terrell:  This win will mean so much to me.  I mean, I have been doing this since the age of 19.  I have devoted my entire life to this sport to try to reach a goal that I have set for myself.  This sport has prepared me mentally for all other aspects of my life.  Now, many may wonder what does this mean, what I am saying is, this sport has taught me discipline, resilience, it has taught me to keep fighting and come back for more even when all of the odds have been against me.  I hold the most top place finishes in the NPC.  Many people may look at this as being unsuccessful but in reality, it shows how year after year, one man can continue to come back and improve relentlessly against all odds and even new upcoming athletes, as well.

If you could say one thing to this year’s line-up of competitors, what would you say?

Darrell Terrell:  I wish all of the competitors the best of luck.  I hope everyone has had a successful pre-contest season and win or lose, and regardless of my placing, I am looking forward to seeing all of the competitors and fans.

Is there anything you would like to add to this interview that we haven’t already touched on?

Darrell Terrell:  To end this interview, I want to personally thank my best friend and fiancée, Alisa, for supporting and loving me, and my family for all of their love and support over the years.  Also, in closing, I want to thank the NPC for all that you continue to do to support all of the athletes in this sport.  I want to thank Allmax Nutrition, my sponsor, for staying behind me and supporting my efforts.

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Matt Weik

Matt Weik, BS, CPT, CSCS, CSN, is the Owner and Head Keyboard Banger of Weik Fitness. He is a well-respected, prolific writer with a global following and a self-proclaimed fitness and supplement nerd. Matt’s content has been featured on thousands of websites, 100+ magazines, and he has authored over a dozen published books.