All Things E-Bike: The Ultimate Guide to Electric Bikes
In a world where speed meets sustainability, where the wind in your hair is electrified, and where adventure knows no bounds, there exists a revolution on two wheels. Welcome to the electrifying realm of e-bikes (electric bikes), where pedal power combines seamlessly with cutting-edge technology to redefine how we ride.
Picture effortlessly gliding up steep hills, extending your daily commute without breaking a sweat, and rediscovering the joy of cycling at any age. E-bikes aren’t just a trend, they are the future of transportation, recreation, and fitness.
Join us on an exhilarating journey as we unveil the limitless potential, undeniable benefits, and the sheer thrill of e-bikes in this ultimate guide. It’s time to shift gears and embrace the electrifying world of electric bikes like never before.
What is an E-Bike and Why Should You Consider One?
Do you currently own a bicycle? Maybe something like a mountain bike? Or did you ride a bike as a child? Regardless, there’s something magical when it comes to riding an e-bike that brings a whole new experience to your ride. In fact, it’s hard not to ride an electric bicycle without having a smile on your face.

Whether you enjoy the great outdoors and sightseeing or prefer to hit the trails and get in some exercise to get your heart rate up, an e-bike is a fantastic all-around choice. With so many to choose from, you’ll want to sit down and jot down a list of your individual wants and needs when it comes to an e-bike and how you plan on using it.
But first, you may be questioning exactly what an e-bike is. Do you pedal? Do you not pedal? How does an electric bicycle even work? Let’s dive into it.
What is an E-Bike?
E-bike stands for “electric bike (or bicycle),” and as the name implies, the energy created and stored in a battery can effectively power a motor when you’re looking for some assistance — such as going up a hill. While it may seem very similar to a scooter, it is quite different. With an e-bike, you still need to pedal, or you will find the battery will cut out on you quickly due to using up all the stored energy.
Is an e-bike easily noticeable? Meaning, does it stand out or look different? No, not at all. While a very simplistic visual, imagine a regular bicycle in your head, but then add on a motor, controller, and battery. Everything is integrated quite nicely and without being obtrusive to the point where the added components stick out like a sore thumb. Most e-bikes, you would never even know they weren’t an ordinary bicycle.
The parts added to the bike are fairly lightweight as well as do not cause the rider to be forced to pedal harder due to the additional weight. Yet, when the rider feels the need to engage the electric power, he or she has the ability to do so extremely easily.
An electric bicycle can be adjusted just like a standard bicycle to accommodate the specific height of the rider. Additionally, you can choose how many watts you want or need your e-bike to be during the purchasing process. You can find the power of these electric bicycles going as low as 350W and then, on the other side of the spectrum, going up as high as a powerful 1000W motor. Your needs would dictate the size of the motor you choose.
Once you decide on the e-bike you need and make the purchase, let the fun begin! You may find yourself getting creative and planning ways to incorporate your electric bicycle into your daily life. The thrill of riding an e-bike is something you need to experience to fully understand.
Why Would You Want to Purchase an Electric Bike?
Here’s where the fun begins, and the potential uses are virtually endless. There is a laundry list of reasons why you may be interested in purchasing an e-bike. But some of the main reasons for considering an electric bicycle could be for exercise, transportation, and fun and enjoyment.
The investment you make in an e-bike is something that will last you a very long time and bring you joy — not to mention the cost savings aspect if you can use it instead of a car for quick trips around town or even to work. You can even find foldable electric bicycles that can easily be transported anywhere you go (perfect for those with smaller vehicles and need to put their e-bike in the trunk), as well as taking up next to no room in your home or garage.
Why Would You Want an E-Bike Over a Normal Pedal Bike?
This is actually a great question. Why would you want to get an e-bike over a normal pedal bike? While the answer to that question is very personal to each individual based on his or her wants and needs, we’re going to look at a few reasons below.
The interesting part of this is the fact that you are looking to learn more about e-bikes and the potential of making the investment. Therefore, one can only assume that you’re interested in a better solution to the normal pedal bike — and good for you! E-bikes are not only a ton of fun but have a bunch of useful and convenient features that make them superior to a standard pedal bike.
Below are some of the most common reasons that people invest in an e-bike and forgo the normal pedal bike for these upgraded and technologically advanced versions.
Transportation Cost-Savings
Is your drive to work fairly short but long enough to be quite the haul on a normal pedal bike? You’ve probably considered other forms of transportation after looking at your monthly transportation expenses coming from vehicle care and upkeep, gasoline, and the added mileage, which is deflating and depreciating your car’s value faster than a bike tire with a hole in it.
If you were to take (as an example) a 10-15 mile trip to the office each morning and swap it for an e-bike, think of all the savings you could accrue — not to mention skipping the frustration of sitting in bumper-to-bumper traffic. This is something most would not be able to accomplish with a normal pedal bike. Additionally, you could use an e-bike for quick trips around town to get a few groceries, stop at a convenience store, or even pop in for a quick visit with friends and family.
Enhance Your Fitness and Improve Your Health
Are you thinking about starting a workout program and getting more physically active? Good for you! Or maybe you’re an avid exerciser looking to take your fitness to the next level? Regardless, an e-bike has several benefits over a normal pedal bike. Now, you may have a raised eyebrow as many would assume the fact that a normal pedal bike doesn’t have a motor that it would be more beneficial. However, that in itself is a massive advantage to using an e-bike for your workouts.
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When you fatigue on a normal pedal bike, many tend to throw in the towel. They may hop off of the bike and rest for a little before going back home. With an e-bike, when you fatigue, you can simply utilize the motor on the bike to keep going and then transition back to pedaling once you recover.
For those just starting a fitness program, an e-bike is going to quickly become your best friend as the power provided by the motor allows you to stay in motion and enjoy the process of riding a bike much more so than if you fatigue quickly and would have to stop and take a breather. Honestly, it’s easy to feel defeated when this happens, and many may quit altogether.
With an e-bike, you can stay consistent and enjoy the process for longer — ultimately allowing you the ability to push yourself at the pace of your own fitness level. You can even ride with others who may be in better physical condition by pedaling until you fatigue and then switch over to the motor to keep up with your buddies while you recover.
Double Your FUN!
With an e-bike, you can take just about any scenario and double your fun when compared to a normal pedal bike. Where a normal pedal bike would take you to complete exhaustion, and you can’t go any further, you have the ability with an e-bike to keep pushing on thanks to the technology of the added motor.
Hit the trails, hit the town, hit the open road, and find a world without limitations generally attached to a normal pedal bike. Break free from the ball and chain and go explore the world while also enjoying the cost-saving benefits.
The Versatility of an Electric Bike: Did You Know They Had All of These Uses?
Honestly, there’s nothing wrong with a standard pedal bicycle. It will take you from point A to point B, assuming you have the strength and energy to pedal the distance. But when you want to take things to the next level and add an element of convenience, it’s hard to consider going back to a standard bicycle once you hop on an electric bike.
But why would you want or even need an electric bike? That’s a common question that is often asked. Truthfully, you don’t NEED one, but it certainly makes your life and transportation much easier, in addition to the added health benefits of getting in some exercise.
Let’s dive into some of the reasons why you may want to make the switch and purchase your first electric bike. You may find the versatility is precisely what you’ve been looking for.
1. Health Benefits with Some Added Assistance
Regardless of whether you are an avid exerciser or someone who just started (or is thinking about starting), an electric bike can help you take your workouts to whole new heights. With an electric bike, you have the ability to use it as a pedal bike and then, when needed, switch over and use the stored power to help you get up hills, go across tough terrain, or simply give yourself a slight breather without stopping.
It’s recommended that everyone engage in 150 minutes of exercise each week. Utilizing an electric bike is a great way to achieve such a goal and reap all of the health benefits associated with getting and staying active.
2. An Electric Bike is a Great Commuter Without the Gas Prices
Face it, the days when gasoline was $1 per gallon are gone. Prices continue to creep up, and then factor in the amount of time spent sitting in traffic, and you have yourself a recipe for a pounding headache.
If your commute to work is short, pick up an electric bike and simplify your trip to and from work. Skip the traffic lights. Bypass the stop-and-go if you live and commute through a busy city. And possibly best of all, eliminate the frustration of sitting in rush hour traffic that’s bumper to bumper and isn’t moving at all (*face-palm*).
You’ll also enjoy the cost savings by not needing to constantly fill up your gas tank. Charging your bike will only cost you a few cents, and it does not take long at all to fully charge an electric bike.
3. Hit the Trails with Friends
One common use of bikes is to hit the trails and not only enjoy your surroundings but also help destress and have some fun. Grab some of your buddies and hit your local trails. Cruise through nature while also touching on the health and fitness aspects mentioned earlier.
The nice thing about utilizing an electric bike for trail rides is the ability to catch your breath and recover by simply switching over and engaging the motor to do some of the work (especially when up against some pretty treacherous hills and terrain). Be the envy of all your friends when you’re at the top of the hill, and you look down to see your buddies pushing their bikes up the hill out of sheer exhaustion, trying to catch up to you.
4. Your Camping Companion
If you go camping, there are times you need to move around the campground and don’t necessarily want to spend the time walking. That’s where an electric bike can simplify things. Hop on your electric bike, and off you go.
Or better yet, if there are some attractions outside the walls of the campground that you want to visit (or even go sightseeing in general), your electric bike will be more than enough to get you there and back without having to jump in the car, find parking, potentially pay for parking, and then the gas and mileage on top of it.
Hauling an electric bike is as simple as strapping it down inside your trailer (if you have the room) or tying it down and hauling it on the back of your rig. While an electric bike is heavier than a standard bicycle, it’s not anywhere close to the weight you’d carry around with something like a scooter or moped (and not as expensive, either).
5. The Uses Are Ultimately Endless!
Get creative and have fun with your electric bike. Use it for a quick grocery run. Jump on it to head over to a friend’s house. The uses are truly endless.
Will the investment into an electric bike be worth it? Assuming you plan on implementing some of the uses mentioned in this article and even some of your own, you’ll more than make your money back by purchasing an electric bike.
What Type of E-Bike Best Suits Your Needs?
The sales of e-bikes have grown significantly over the years as more and more people realize just how affordable they are and all of their capabilities and uses. Not only can an e-bike be a form of transportation that can cut down on your fuel costs and car expenses, but they are also a great adjunct to your exercise regimen. The type of e-bike you choose, however, should be decided on by looking at your wants and needs.
The Growth and Demand for E-Bikes Have Skyrocketed
Bicycle Retailer and Industry News published an article that broke down just how big the e-bike market has become. They reported that in 2020, brands are finding tremendous growth due to e-bikes being a viable transportation option in a world where gas and vehicle costs continue to rise. The article stated that e-bike sales were up 84% in March, 92% in April, and 137% in May. Some brands have seen increases of over 1,000% in June.
According to the government census, over 872,000 Americans ride a bike to work every day. If you were to use a one-way trip of around 10 miles (20 miles total to work and back) as an example, you’re looking at about 100 miles per week. Honestly, that’s a fairly high number for someone who isn’t in the best physical condition — but that’s not an issue when considering the convenience and assistance you get from an e-bike. So, what type of e-bike best suits your needs?
The Type of E-Bike Matters
To get the most out of your investment, the type of e-bike truly matters. Below, we are going to look at a few types of e-bikes and scenarios that may apply to your current situation and circumstances to help you with your buying decision.
Urban and Cargo Commuter E-Bikes
Both the Urban and Cargo Commuter e-bikes are a fantastic option for those planning to ride around town or need extra power to get to their final destination. The battery and motor tend to be upgraded and more powerful, allowing you to achieve further distances and reach higher speeds during your commute.
Additionally, many of the Urban and Cargo Commuter e-bikes have racks and/or baskets attached to the back and/or front of the bike, allowing the user to secure their belonging to the bike rather than the need to carry them on their person.
This is ideal for those who are using this type of e-bike to commute to and from work or plan on using it as a form of transportation around town, where they would be taking items with them on their trip.
Folding E-Bike
As the name would imply, this type of e-bike is the ultimate in storability. If you live somewhere that does not have a lot of space for a bike, a folding e-bike is going to be your best option. With the ability to fold up, you can store your bike nice and compact in a corner and even transport it if you wish to do some riding away from your home and want to toss it into your vehicle.
The ability to be mobile with your e-bike and have greater portability makes this a great option for those who are tight on space or have the need to take their e-bike with them.
All-Terrain E-Bike
Are you looking for the type of e-bike that is a Jack of All Trades? An All-Terrain e-bike can absolutely fit the bill. With all of the benefits associated with an Urban or Commuter e-bike, this bike is also beefy enough to handle trails — providing you with a dual-purpose bike that is up for just about any challenge you throw at it.
If you are in search of a bike that can do it all, it’s hard to beat an all-terrain e-bike. Powerful enough for long rides yet solid and sturdy enough to enjoy some fun with friends tearing up your off-road adventures.
Full Suspension E-Bike
Are you a lover of riding trails and rough terrain? If so, a full-suspension e-bike is sure to put a smile on your face. Not only do you have a robust bike that can handle any challenge you put it through, but you also get the benefit of a powerful motor to help you get up the most intimidating hills (or whenever you simply need a break and feel the need to pull some power from the motor).
This type of e-bike is generally a heavier option when compared to some of the other e-bikes simply due to the ruggedness needed for its construction. The frame is built to help handle the tension and torque required to conquer rough-riding environments.
5 Important E-Bike Health Benefits That Are Overlooked
Owning an e-bike brings joy and excitement to many. Some utilize their investment as a means of transportation. Others, a sense of adventure. However, some important e-bike health benefits are overlooked.
We will look at five crucial e-bike health benefits that seem to be forgotten about and overlooked. Just because your bicycle has a battery and motor does not mean it negates all the work. Here’s what e-bikes can help you accomplish from a health standpoint.
Disclaimer: It is always a good idea to speak with your doctor before engaging in any exercise program or physical activity to ensure you are healthy enough to do so.
1. Enhance Weight Loss
Riding a bicycle is an excellent form of exercise. You’re engaging your core to maintain your posture and allow your body to stay upright, you’re pumping your legs to keep the bicycle in motion, and you’re using your upper body to stabilize yourself on the handlebars.
An e-bike is a fantastic means of exercise and can help you enhance your weight loss results. It can be even more critical for those who are just starting out and don’t have the best endurance. When they run out of steam, simply utilize the motor while you recover. In order to lose weight, you need to burn calories, and an e-bike is a perfect tool to help you burn stubborn body fat.
2. Saves Your Joints
When people start their health and fitness journey, a large portion of them are holding onto some excess weight. Unfortunately, various forms of exercise can take a toll on the joints, which could sideline many shortly after just starting their exercise program. For instance, walking, jogging, running, and hiking… all beat up the ankles, knees, and hips. When these joints are sore and painful during activity, you are less likely to continue with the activity.
Saving your joints is one of the best e-bike health benefits. It allows you to engage in exercise and physical activity without harming the joints and potentially causing injuries due to the repetitive pounding motion exerted on your body.
3. Support Heart Health
Another one of the important e-bike health benefits deals with the most imperative muscle in your body — your heart. Physical activity helps keep your heart healthy and aids in preventing various heart conditions and risk factors, as well as heart disease itself.
It is recommended that you engage in 150 minutes of physical activity each week to help protect your heart and help keep it healthy. If you were to break that down, you’d only need to fit in 30 minutes of activity five days a week. Best of all, the 30 minutes doesn’t even need to be all at once. You can split it up into two or even three sessions each day in order to get in the full 30 minutes.
Protect your heart and cardiovascular system by getting more active.
4. Improve Sleep
There’s no denying the fact that there is a direct correlation between physical activity levels and sleep patterns. In fact, research has shown that those who engage in regular physical activity and exercise have the best quality sleep. It’s easy to see how this is one of the e-bike health benefits that are overlooked, as many people don’t even prioritize their sleep as is.
Researchers have found that you need around seven hours of sleep each night to help the body recover and wake up feeling refreshed and energized. By riding an e-bike as a form of exercise, you’re boosting your cardiovascular health, improving health, and supporting your sleep quality.
The moral of the story is to get outside, get on your e-bike, get moving, and get to bed. Your mind and body will thank you upon waking.
5. Boost Mental Health and Memory
Getting outdoors is a fantastic way to take in some fresh air, get active, improve your well-being, and watch your worries disappear. Physical activity helps reduce stress and produces endorphins that can help improve your mood and mental health. This is one of the most overlooked e-bike health benefits out there. Not being in a good head space can lead you down a dark path (and not the kind you take on an e-bike). Therefore, it should be prioritized to ensure you can support and boost mental health.
Heading outdoors also supports healthy vitamin D levels that can be achieved by being out in the sun. Let’s not forget the whole purpose of hopping on an e-bike in the first place — to have fun and enjoy yourself.
Yet, something else that is one of the important e-bike health benefits being overlooked or not considered is your memory (or maybe they just forgot about this benefit?). By utilizing exercise to improve sleep and stress reduction, you can reduce inflammation and cortisol levels in the body, which could negatively affect the health of brain cells.
Can Riding an Electric Bike Provide You with a Brain Boost?
When you think about e-bikes and standard pedal bikes, many would assume that the standard bike would provide the most benefits because you don’t have a battery and motor to help propel you forward. Well, that’s not exactly accurate, according to the science, and what researchers have found is that riding an e-bike can actually provide you with a brain boost.
While we understand the health benefits associated with pedal bikes, researchers at the University of Reading have found that e-bikes can provide the exact same benefits. Furthermore, these benefits aren’t just for a younger generation, they have also been found in an older demographic of cyclists between 50 and 83.
Researchers Claim Riding an E-Bike Provides a Brain Boost
Who couldn’t benefit from a brain boost and heightened mental performance? Unfortunately, even those at a young age can find their mental performance on the decline due to poor lifestyle choices and nutrition. Even more worrisome are those who are getting up in age and notice their cognition, mental focus, and performance decline with each passing year.
Sure, there are supplements to help lessen the severity, you swallow a few pills a day, and they’re supposed to help you, but now there is an alternative way through riding an e-bike that cyclists (both young and old) can provide themselves with a brain boost by simply jumping on an e-bike and going for a ride.
One of the researchers in the study mentioned that, “It is really encouraging that this research suggests older adults’ cognitive function (particularly what we call executive function as well as processing speed) could be improved by cycling in the natural/urban environment, even when that was on an electrically assisted e-bike.
“Furthermore, we found that some aspects of mental health and well-being increased in participants, who cycled on an e-bike for an hour and a half a week for an eight-week period. This suggests that there may be an impact of exercising in the environment on executive function and mental health. It would be great to see the effect of cycling, particularly e-bike use, on cognition and well-being in a larger sample of participants over a longer period of time.”
The study’s findings are quite remarkable, but there was one thing that stuck out when reading the results. Again, one would assume a standard pedal bike would be the most beneficial for all ages and demographics, but what the researchers found was that riding an e-bike showed an even more significant enhancement in brain function and well-being when compared to those riding a standard pedal bike.
Scientists took things even further by comparing the brains of those who stayed physically active (such as riding an e-bike) with those who were inactive. What they found was regardless of age, those who stayed active had younger brains. This shows that engaging in physical activity like riding an e-bike can not only provide you with a brain boost but it can also help keep your mind sharp and clear as you age.
Continuing Down the Path to Significant Cognitive Improvements
Riding an e-bike is a great way to not only start getting active but also a great way to stay active. When you are more active, your body releases endorphins, which can help you feel better and provide you with a sense of well-being. Heading out and riding an e-bike can also deliver a brain boost due to the fact that it increases blood flow to the brain. A greater supply of oxygenated blood and nutrients is transported to the brain and cells of the brain to help improve memory, critical and creative thinking, as well as overall mental performance.
Getting outdoors for a ride on an e-bike can even help improve the brain’s physical structure by potentially slowing down the brain’s aging process and helping to build new cells and neurons.
Hormones also play a key role in our cognition and mental functioning. When we stay active, our body can more easily manage the stress hormone cortisol. When cortisol levels rise, it can lead to overeating, weight gain, depression, insomnia, a lack of energy, poor self-esteem, and it could put you into a mental fog, which can cause your productivity to drop.
When staying active through something like riding an e-bike, you can better manage cortisol and help keep it at a manageable level, which can alleviate and help prevent some of these adverse effects mentioned.
Can Those with Various Disabilities and Limitations Use Electric Bikes?
To answer this question in one word… ABSOLUTELY! Are you someone who loves to enjoy the great outdoors but feel you can no longer get the same experience you once did outdoors due to a certain disability or physical limitation? Have you considered e-bikes or even know what they are? The e-bike market is booming, and for a good reason — e-bikes bring people a lifetime of fun and enjoyment while also being a great form of transportation for those who need to get around or commute to and from work.
Regardless of your limitations, e-bikes could bring back some freedoms you felt were lost. Let’s dive into all that e-bikes have to offer and how they may be precisely what you’ve been looking for.
Those with Disabilities and Limitations LOVE E-Bikes
Do you have a bad hip? A bad back? Maybe some bad knees? Are you someone who suffered a heart attack and simply cannot be as active as you were prior? Perhaps you’re rehabilitating an injury you suffered? If so, e-bikes are the answer. By hopping on these two-wheeled fun-mobiles, you can utilize the powerful battery and motor to help prevent you from being limited by your mobility, injury, surgery, or disability. There’s no better time than right now to consider investing in an e-bike!
With many different e-bikes available, “step-thru” e-bikes could solve the issue many face with not having mobility in the knees or hips, which prevents many people from getting their legs over the bike to hop on. With something like step-thru e-bikes, you only need to raise your foot up off the ground slightly to get it over the bike. The only thing left to do after that is sit down and enjoy the ride. Additionally, due to the precise engineering, you are able to stand and straddle the e-bike without any issues of getting caught up on the frame.
If you can pedal the bike, even for a little, that’s great! The physical activity will do your mind and body a lot of good. Once you’re physically exhausted and cannot pedal any longer, switch over to the battery and allow the motor to kick in and do its job. The powerful motors on e-bikes come in incredibly handy while going up hills where maximum exertion is generally needed. With the motor controls right at your hands, transitioning from pedaling to motorized ensures hills are no longer a challenge.
Even more, if you love to hit the trails and enjoy everything mother nature has to offer, there are even all-terrain and full-suspension e-bikes available to allow you to get in your thrills. Simply find which style of e-bike suits your wants and needs, and you’re ready to hit the outdoors!
If a particular disability or limitation prevents you from balancing on a bike, you may be asking what’s available in those instances? Not to worry! There are motorized trikes out there with the same engineering, which will allow you to “step-thru” and take a seat without needing to balance or stabilize yourself. With one wheel in the front to help steer and two in the back to maintain your balance and stability, nothing can stop you from getting outside and putting a smile on your face.
Regain Your Freedom and Fun!
One of the hardest pills to swallow is realizing that a disability or limitation alters your way of life. The things you once were able to do are now challenging or could even tasks you can no longer do or enjoy. E-bikes help give you back part of your life. They allow you the opportunity to go out and live your life, find new adventures, stay active, and take in a natural source of vitamin D from the sun.
We have many customers who have come to us asking if we provide anything that can suit their individual needs, and it’s always our pleasure to take the time to understand exactly what their limitations are and recommend various options they can consider.
At Ultra E-Bikes, we want to make sure we have something for everyone — no matter your situation. We’d love to hear from you and figure out what your best options may be and have you hitting the great outdoors in no time.
As always, it would be wise to consult with your doctor before engaging in any form of physical activity, whether you have a disability/limitation or not. But if given the all-clear, you can be off to the races in no time on a new e-bike.
5 E-Bike Myths Debunked: Don’t Fall Victim to Misinformation
Like most things on the internet these days, there is misinformation, and then there’s the truth. E-bikes seem to be just another victim of frivolous claims that are simply untrue and need to be debunked.
We are here to set the record straight and clear up some of the e-bike myths swirling around the internet. Here are the top five offenders.
1. E-Bikes Don’t Provide Health Benefits
First on our list of e-bike myths is the thought that if you ride an e-bike that it doesn’t count as exercise or have any real health benefits. This is entirely false. An e-bike is still a bicycle with pedals that you push up and down using your legs. The only difference is that an e-bike has the ability to switch over to a pedal assist when needed.
Simply balancing on the e-bike engages your muscles and core and gives your legs a great workout when using the pedals. An e-bike is even a fantastic option for those who are just starting an exercise program or who want to lose weight but do not have a lot of endurance (the pedal assist can be incredibly beneficial for those individuals).
2. E-Bikes are Classified as Motorcycles
Well, if you want to get technical, it is a cycle containing a motor. However, that’s about as far as it goes from a commonality standpoint. If you want to put a 1,000cc motorcycle up against a 1hp e-bike, you’ll quickly find out the two really have nothing in common. You’re not going to jump on an e-bike and go 65mph down a trail (and obviously, that wouldn’t be safe anyway).
E-bikes are not classified as a motorcycle (or even a moped), and you don’t need some sort of license to operate one. The classification that e-bikes fall under is the same as a standard pedal bicycle. While e-bike myths like this can easily confuse those who don’t know the truth, we’re here to nip this fallacy in the bud.
3. E-Bikes Can’t Be Used in the Rain
It seems silly having this on our list of e-bike myths. An e-bike can be used in all seasons and all weather conditions — even snow! In fact, many e-bike owners love taking their bikes out in the snow and having fun riding through the fresh powder. Remember, an e-bike is meant to bring enjoyment and excitement to your life. Get out there and enjoy yourself in the rain, sun, and snow!
With all that being said, e-bikes are not waterproof — they are water-resistant. Since each e-bike make and model is different, you will want to check the specifications of the model you bought or are looking to purchase to know exactly what they recommend for things to avoid during use.
4. E-Bikes Are Expensive
I guess a fair question to ask would be, “Compared to what?” Sure, putting them up against a bicycle with low-quality components and frames would be an accurate statement. Or a better analogy would be the old saying, “A champagne taste on a beer budget,” which would provide the same mentality. You get what you pay for, and it all depends on what you’re comparing the cost of an e-bike to.
However, put a durable and high-quality e-bike next to any other high-quality pedal bicycle on the market, and you’d be surprised to find that the price is nearly identical. One cost that you should take into consideration is the battery and motor utilized on an e-bike. But e-bike myths where people compare prices are generally done by taking a low-end comparison and trying to justify the statement against high-end e-bikes.
5. E-Bike Batteries Don’t Last Long
Unless you plan on entering the Tour de France (which they don’t even allow e-bikes, but play along), this is one of the myths that simply doesn’t hold up. Most quality e-bikes on the market these days will allow you to go anywhere from 20-100 miles on a single charge. The wide range is due to the terrain you’re riding on (such as flat versus hilly), how big the battery is, how heavy the rider is, and just how often you engage the pedal assist feature.
The majority of the e-bikes you’ll find available will not “leave you stranded,” as many people assume unless the rider forgot to recharge it after their last rides where the battery was used hard.
It should also be noted that e-bikes can generally be charged in three to five hours, which really isn’t that long at all before you can hop back on and tackle your next adventure.
Don’t Believe Everything You Read
All in all, don’t believe many of the e-bike myths you hear. Many are full of misinformation that would typically deter most potential buyers, but hopefully, this article will put many of these e-bike myths to rest.
Are E-Bikes Legal to Use and Ride Everywhere?
You’ve decided that you want an e-bike. You spent hours shopping online and finally pick one out that you love (hopefully on our website). The excitement builds, and then you ask yourself, “Are e-bikes legal in my state?”
All of a sudden, you’re pumping the brakes and come to a hard stop. The legality surrounding e-bikes is regulated not only on a Federal level but also at the State and Local levels.
We will break down if e-bikes are legal where you live and if you can move forward with purchasing your two-wheeled adventure companion.
How Are E-Bikes Regulated at a Federal Level?
The good news when asking are e-bikes legal to use, Federally they are classified in the same category as your standard traditional pedal bicycle and are regulated by the Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC). What this means is that e-bikes need to meet the exact same safety specifications as pedal bicycles. The government oversees the manufacturing process and sale of e-bikes, but not necessarily the operation (which is at the state level — something we will touch on shortly).
Unfortunately, many assume that because e-bikes have a motor, they are classified as a “motor vehicle” or a “motorcycle/moped,” which is not exactly true. There is no need to carry a license to ride e-bikes in many states, and nothing special needs to take place for you to own and operate an e-bike. However, things can get a little confusing for the states that do. More on this later.
Unlike motor vehicles, riding an e-bike does not require you to abide by National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) standards and guidelines. That said, from a Federal standpoint, e-bikes may not go over a maximum speed (when the motor is engaged) of 20mph.
How Are E-Bikes Regulated at a State Level?
States are a little different in that they can have their own set of rules and guidelines on the operation of e-bikes and can differ from Federal guidelines. One such difference is how states classify different e-bikes. For instance, e-bikes that fall into Class 1 or Class 2 must have a maximum speed of 20 mph. Moving up to Class 3, an e-bike is to have a max speed of no more than 28 mph.
Different states are able to regulate where you can and can’t ride your e-bikes legally. For instance, while e-bikes are in the same classification as standard pedal bicycles, some states do not allow the use of e-bikes on public bike paths. Their goal is to ensure the safety of ALL riders and, therefore, regulate who can and can’t use certain bike paths, lanes, and trails.
Here’s where things get a little confusing from state to state. While most of the United States is perfectly fine with e-bikes, some states are a little more problematic and have some confusing guidelines. For instance, states like New Mexico, North Dakota, Missouri, Louisiana, Alabama, South Carolina, West Virginia, New York, Massachusetts, and Rhode Island regulate e-bikes as a moped or motor vehicles and have quite confusing regulations regarding a license to use and operate e-bikes.
Being that an entire article could be written about individual state laws to make things easier and have all of the information in one place, here is a great resource that explains all of the policies and laws for each state regarding the use of e-bikes.
Some states also have restrictions on how old you must be to ride an e-bike and even how old you must be to ride an e-bike without the use of a helmet. In some states, anyone under the age of 16 is unable to ride an e-bike that falls into the Class 3 classification.
Your Next Steps
Before you pull the trigger on purchasing an e-bike, do some homework on what regulations are in place at your local and state levels. The last thing you want to do is spend a good chunk of change on a fantastic e-bike that you’ve been eyeing, only to find you can’t even use it on the trails or paths around where you live — that would be a total BUMMER! Nothing would be more torturous than making the investment in the e-bike, only to have it sit there staring you in the face and not be able to ride it.
Decide what your needs are and how you plan on using an e-bike. Is it for trails? For commuting to work and back home? Exercise? Figure that out first so you can narrow down what kind of e-bike meets the requirements of your wants and needs.
Do You Live That RV or Van Life? Grab an Electric Bike and Explore!
Many feel a sense of freedom when they travel in an RV for most of the year or live that van life that so many digital nomads love. Wouldn’t it be awesome to travel the world on your terms, when you want, with whoever you want, and simply enjoy life without feeling like you’re being held down and handcuffed from experiencing enjoyment and fun? The ability to work from wherever or pack up and go for a long weekend is quite thrilling and adventurous. That’s what van life is all about. But what many are missing in their life is an e-bike.
Sure, those who travel in an RV or van may have a bike strapped to the back of their vehicle, but a pedal bike is extremely limited — and, to be honest, not as much fun as an e-bike. Why do we feel that way? Let’s dive into how an e-bike can make your life easier, more convenient, and with less sweat coming from your brow.
1. City Parking
Depending on the size of your RV or van, you may find it incredibly difficult to maneuver your way through a city you want to visit or even find parking to accommodate your rig. That’s not a problem with an e-bike. Simply park on the outskirts of the city, hop on your e-bike, and off you go. An e-bike is no larger than an ordinary pedal bike but allows you to exert less energy getting around the city, providing a much nicer experience.
Getting around town on an e-bike is much easier and more comfortable. E-bikes allow you to see and experience more of what the city has to offer than trying to walk around on foot or drive and park in different areas, so you don’t miss anything.
Not only will you save on the cost of parking, but also the headache of circling the city streets trying to find an area large enough to fit your RV or van. That’s one of the only downsides to living that van life. Not only that, but you need to make sure the area you are traveling is safe, and you don’t have to worry about someone breaking into your RV or van and stealing all your stuff.
2. Festivals
Each week brings a new adventure for many living that van life and, hopefully, a new festival to experience. One concern is how you move around the festival. While many people at festivals are riding around on mopeds, it’s not exactly convenient trying to strap or haul a moped on your rig and have it with you wherever you go due to its size and bulk. That’s where an e-bike truly shines. Simply take it off your rack, and you’re ready to experience everything the festival offers. You can travel around the grounds quickly and easily, so you never miss any of the attractions or things going on.
When you’re done for the day, take it back to your RV or van, and depending on how much of the battery you used, go ahead and top it off and get ready for tomorrow’s fun. Whether it’s a music festival, a large gathering of like-minded individuals, or specific niche festivals, an e-bike will be worth its weight in gold.
3. Adventures in Nature
If you’re a digital nomad or someone who simply loves to RV or experience van life at its fullest, it’s all about the adventures. National parks, fun cities, sightseeing, trail rides, and climbing peaks to oversee the beautiful world below. Life is an adventure that is meant to be experienced. Van life is about getting out into the world and not sitting at home on the couch, watching Netflix.
You get to experience nature and create your own adventures. Through the use of an e-bike, you can get around much easier, with less effort, and it allows you to put your energy towards making memories that last a lifetime. Don’t cut your adventure short because you’re out of shape or out of breath. An e-bike can provide you with hours of fun without the need to charge it.
How to Protect Your E-Bike When Taking it on Trips
You spent a good chunk of change on a high-quality e-bike, and now you’re excited to take it with you on your adventures across the country. While many people would merely strap it to the back of their RV, camper, or vehicle, what do you think the elements are going to do to your beautiful new e-bike? Yup, you guessed it — destroy it! You need to protect your e-bike when taking it on trips.
We will look at how you can protect your e-bike and investment from the elements and prolong the life and beauty of your two-wheeled adventure companion.
Know Your Options
The kind of e-bike you purchase can determine how you transport it. If you have a large RV, you may wish to store it in the RV when traveling to your destination (make sure you strap it down to something so it doesn’t move, shift, and fall over). This keeps prying eyes off of it (you don’t want it stolen) and also keeps it out of the harsh sunlight and elements.
If you purchased a foldable version, you could protect your e-bike by folding it up and putting it in your vehicle (or, again, in your RV or camper).
Or, like most people end up doing, they buy a rack that suits the size of their e-bike and hook it up to the back of the RV or vehicle. But it doesn’t simply end there, and you’re good to go. There’s more to it, which we cover below.
Invest in a Good Cover
There are many fantastic and heavy-duty e-bike covers out there on the market that you can purchase to put over your investment while traveling to your next location. With many different materials to choose from, find the one that suits your needs (and within your budget and risk tolerance).
Lock it Up
It should go without saying, but you can’t assume everyone considers this as a means to protect your e-bike. Too many people are overly trusting and think, “It won’t happen to me.” A good lock will help prevent thieves from getting away with your e-bike. If they see a lock, they’ll move on to someone else who doesn’t care as much about protecting their property. And even if you toss a cover over your e-bike, you still want to lock it up securely.
While cord locks may seem like a good option, they are extremely easy to cut through. If you don’t want to come back to your vehicle or RV to find someone who cut your cord and made away with your $1,000+ investment, spending a few extra dollars on a high-quality lock doesn’t seem like a bad idea — better safe than sorry.
And yes, even if you have a bike rack, you should still protect your e-bike by locking it on the rack.
Protect Your Battery
Many thrill-seekers and those looking for a great form of transportation while traveling will go down the rabbit hole of outfitting their adventurous fun with an expensive e-bike, a quality rack for transport, new tires, apparel, helmets, upgraded seat, new pedals, etc., but never give a second thought to their battery. After all, that’s what makes your e-bike run, right?
While tossing your e-bike on the back of your vehicle or RV is the best means of taking your e-bike with you, the pounding from the road that your vehicle or RV is taking doesn’t mean your bike isn’t feeling those effects, too. Your vehicle or RV has a suspension and shocks that can brace the forces that the driver feels, but what about your e-bike? It’s essentially dangling out there getting beat up. You need to protect your e-bike and its battery.
If you hit a bump or a pothole, your e-bike is going to feel the jolt and force. This can cause the battery to move around, shift, and even bend its connection points. You may be able to get away with a short drive somewhere without much damage, but even then, you may want to err on the side of caution and protect your e-bike and the battery by removing it.
Once you remove your battery, you still want to protect it (and you) during transit. Place the battery in the back of your vehicle, out of direct sunlight, and in an area where the temperature does not get extremely hot. It should go without saying, but you also want to keep your battery away from flammable materials (for obvious reasons).
The last step to help protect your e-bike and the battery once it’s removed is to cover the opening where your battery is on your e-bike. This will help protect the housing, the connections, and avoid them from being damaged, which can affect the battery’s life and even cause your e-bike to fail.
Camping with an Electric Bike: Unbelievable New Adventures Await You!
When camping, you want to enjoy yourself and relax, right? The last thing you want to think about is overcomplicating the process or wasting time during your getaway adventure. For that very reason, many people are now camping with an electric bike. This growing trend can make your life easier and provide many benefits during camping trips.
Below, we will break down some of the many ways you can benefit from camping with an electric bike and allow you to see the many ways it can be utilized and implemented in your outing.
1. Ease of Transportation Around the Campground
Depending on where your actual campsite is, various attractions and amenities within the campground could be quite the trek on foot. Rather than hopping in your vehicle or hoofing it and putting extra miles on your shoes (or worse, risk getting blisters from all of the walking), simply jump on an electric bike. Camping with an electric bike can improve upon and speed up your ability to move freely around the campground.
If you need to head to the office or clubhouse to speak with staff or to pick up an item you ran out of or forgot to pack, you can do so quickly and easily without ever breaking a sweat. Maybe you’re camping with people you know, but your site is on the opposite side of the campground as your friends or family? No worries! When camping with an electric bike, you can meet up with anyone in a jiffy.
2. The Ability to Explore Without Jumping in the Car
Your camping setup and vehicle will dictate how easy it is for you to explore outside the confines of the campground. Often, campgrounds are located near some fantastic attractions that those who visit the campground specifically want to see and experience. You don’t want to miss out, right? That’s where camping with an electric bike comes into play.
Those who have travel trailers or 5th wheels that are unable to be unhooked easily, you may be stuck in place without the ability to hop in a vehicle and go explore. However, if camping with an electric bike, you can hop on, and you’re off to explore in no time.
Electric bikes are very easy to ride through town, on sightseeing trails, and just about anywhere you would take a standard pedal bicycle — only you have a high-powered motor to get you there faster and with less effort on your part.
3. Electric Bikes Are No Bigger Than Regular Pedal Bikes
One of the best selling points for camping with an electric bike is its size and convenience. If you are used to tossing some bikes on the back of your trailer via a bike rack or in the bed of your truck, the size comparison between an electric bike and a pedal bike is just about the same, and in some instances, an electric bike can be more compact.
When you factor in the cost, convenience, and benefits associated with electric bikes, it shouldn’t be hard to twist your arm and convince you that camping with an electric bike makes a ton of sense. But finding the right electric bike could have you going back and forth between various models.
7 Tips for Enjoying Your E-Bike in the Snow
If you love adventures, when the white stuff starts falling from the sky, it could put a damper on your fun. If you enjoy the trails, hiking, and being outdoors, several inches of snow could sideline your outdoor enjoyment. However, there’s good news. Instead of looking out the window sipping your coffee, you could enjoy your e-bike in the snow.
Below are seven tips to consider when enjoying your e-bike in the snow and bringing some excitement to the cold, wintery months.
1. Make sure you have an e-bike with fat tires
Fat, grippy tires are going to be your best friend when there’s snow on the ground. That’s not to say you couldn’t take an e-bike with thinner tires out for a spin, but the more surface area you have between you and the ground, the better.
2. Ensure ALL of your connections are properly sealed
It should go without saying, but as a quick reminder, wetness and electricity do not mix well. In fact, when combined, it’s disastrous. Before you decide you’re going to be enjoying your e-bike in the snow, make sure ALL of your connections on the e-bike are sealed. If not, seal them.
Heat shrink tubing is relatively inexpensive and can save the electronic components on your e-bike from getting wet and damaged.
Speaking of keeping your investment safe while enjoying your e-bike in the snow, skip roads that are heavily salted. The harsh salt will destroy just about every component on your e-bike, including the battery. Try to find some fresh powder to have some fun in.
3. Dress for function, not fashion
While being stylish may be high on your priority list, think function over fashion when enjoying your e-bike in the snow. You want to dress warm, protected, and in layers. Riding with a backpack also allows you the ability to add or remove layers depending on if you are hot or cold.
Waterproof apparel and footwear would be a great idea, as your e-bike will kick up snow, slush, and water. You may even notice that your feet dive into the fresh snow when riding as well. You definitely want to keep your feet dry and warm, or it’s not going to be a pleasant experience. Gore-Tex makes some great cold-weather gear if you are looking for a brand to check out.
4. Look in the direction you want the bike to go
Whether you are riding a pedal bike, e-bike, or motorcycle, they all have one commonality: look where you want to go, and your body and bike will follow. It’s actually quite amazing when you think about it. A hard left turn simply flows effortlessly when you look in that direction.
This is one of the simplest tips on the list but one of the most important as well.
Word to the wise… remember, you’re riding on top of the snow. Just like with a vehicle, the snow can cause you to shift off route — be prepared to zig when you want to zag. If you find you’re having issues controlling where you are going, slow down.
5. If you start to slide, put your foot down
Don’t be afraid to put your foot down when you’re enjoying your e-bike in the snow. When you feel like you’re losing some control of the bike, your foot can help keep you upright.
You may find when going down any sort of hill, slowing down isn’t exactly the easiest task, as the rear tire tends to get a little squirrely. By putting your foot down, you can prevent a fall while also helping to save the e-bike from a slide.
6. Don’t leave your e-bike out in the cold after riding
Protect your investment! There’s nothing wrong with enjoying your e-bike in the snow, but leaving it outside and sopping wet is no good. When you get home, make sure you get all of the snow off, wipe it down, and store it indoors to finish drying completely.
Keeping it out in the elements will almost surely destroy all of the components on the e-bike.
7. You may need to take some air out of your tires
As mentioned earlier, fatter tires are a good idea when in the snow. That said, you may even want to decrease the tire pressure to provide even more surface area and grip to provide you with more control when riding.
If you’re enjoying your e-bike in the snow and want to make it a regular occurrence, it may be wise to invest in some dedicated snow tires for the e-bike that are studded.
Hunting E-Bikes: Locating Game Has Never Been Easier
Are you a hunter? Do you have trouble taking all your gear and equipment with you before navigating the hunting grounds? Wouldn’t it be great if you had an option that could get you from point A to point B, was easy to maneuver, quiet (so you don’t scare the game), and had the ability to pack all of your gear on so you don’t need to carry it? Did you ever consider hunting e-bikes?
Four-wheelers and ATVs are great and serve a fantastic purpose, but they’re also incredibly loud to be covering any type of terrain where you’re looking to hunt. The last thing you want to do is scare the game away. Therefore, most people leave their ATVs behind a fair distance and then walk their way into their hunting grounds. With hunting e-bikes, you can basically ride right up to the spot you want to hunt, hop off, and you’re ready to go.
Below, we will look at some of the benefits of hunting e-bikes and what you should look for in hunting e-bikes.
Note: Hunting e-bikes are also known as all-terrain e-bikes or cargo e-bikes. They generally have a rack on the front and/or back or a rack on the back with a basket on the front. It should be mentioned that hunting with e-bikes should only occur with the proper licenses and follow all state and local laws.
1. Scout Terrain Easier
Walking from one area in the woods or terrain to the other (and let’s not forget you need to come back) can take time — time that you can’t waste if you want to get your hunt in and get back to camp or home. You could hoof it on foot and spend hours getting to your location, or you can hop on hunting e-bikes and get there in next to no time at all.
Save your energy for the hunt itself, and don’t gas yourself out simply trying to get to your hunting spot on foot.
2. Pack Your Gear Versus Carrying It for Miles
As they say in the Marines, “Ounces equal pounds, and pounds equal pain.” The more you pack on your body, the more stress, strain, and pain you may experience. Rucking around with 50 pounds or so of gear on your person is not exactly what many would consider fun. You’ll have clothing, ammo, a rifle or bow, food, water, rain gear, a medical kit, a rangefinder, the list goes on and on.
By the end of a long day and walking miles upon miles, your body will be worn down and beaten up.
A better solution would be to pack everything on hunting e-bikes and let the bike carry all of your equipment for you. As a safety rule, all weapons should be unloaded and cleared before packing on hunting e-bikes for your protection and those around you.
3. Transport Hunted Game
Depending on what you’re hunting, you can strap your game onto hunting e-bikes. This can help alleviate you from carrying your hunted game through the terrain and risk injuring yourself — not to mention the overall strength and stamina needed to do so.
If hunting larger game, such as deer or bigger, you may want to invest in a trailer that can attach to your e-bike and allow you to toss the game directly on the trailer and work your way back through the terrain without having to carry or drag it potentially for miles before getting back to your vehicle or camp.
What to Look for With Hunting E-Bikes
When using hunting e-bikes, the biggest thing you need to factor in is how you plan to use them. More than likely, if you plan on using it for hunting, you’ll be traveling over varying terrain that can be anything from grass, gravel, dirt, sticks, leaves, and small streams of water. It would be recommended that you look at hunting e-bikes that have fat tires in that instance. The beefier tires will help you on your journey across a wide range of terrain.
Something else you’ll want on your hunting e-bikes is storage. This can be racks, baskets, or a combination of the two. If you’re going to use hunting e-bikes to pack and store your gear and equipment for hunts, you’re going to need places to put things or tie them down. If you want to truly maximize your storage capacity, get an e-bike with storage on the front and the back. If that still is not enough for your needs, you can purchase an e-bike trailer to attach to the back of your bike.
As we draw the curtains on this comprehensive guide to e-bikes, we hope you’re as charged up about this revolutionary mode of transportation as we are. The world of e-bikes is an open road of opportunities, a gateway to a greener, healthier, and more exhilarating way of life.
Armed with the knowledge you’ve gained here, you’re now equipped to make an informed choice, whether it’s for your daily commute, weekend adventures, or simply the joy of pedaling without limits. Imagine leaving behind traffic woes, reducing your carbon footprint, and embracing the wind in your face with every ride.
Your e-bike journey awaits, and it’s filled with endless discoveries, freedom, and moments of pure exhilaration. So, don’t just read about it — go out there, find your perfect e-bike, and let the electric revolution propel you into a future where every ride is an adventure waiting to happen. The road is yours!
Here are some e-bikes you could consider:
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