Critics of Fitness Industry Writers
I mentor a lot of new fitness industry writers who write about health, fitness, and bodybuilding. A common question I get asked is how to deal with critics who disagree, bash, or hate on your work. It’s a great question because I’m sure you as well as myself have read an article and thought to ourselves that we didn’t agree with it. Did we go off the deep end and write to the author, find him on social media and blast him in posts on his social platforms? No. But, unfortunately, there are people like that out there. So, how can you prevent this from happening?
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Should fitness industry writers give up and stop writing?
If you are worried about what people will think of a topic you want to write about, then just give up and light your laptop on fire. Fitness industry writers are there to provide a form of entertainment as well as education. I’ve published many articles exposing brands, industries, people, etc. and was hit from all sides of the spectrum. The good, bad, and ugly. But, you know what? I didn’t care. I had someone extremely high up in the fitness and bodybuilding industry call me and say I should retract a certain article I had published or write an apology for it. Hell no. Because I’m exposing part of this shady industry and bringing light to a topic I should retract it so the nonsense can continue? No thank you. In fact, you should respect me for having the balls to talk about it at all while you sit back and watch it happen.
You have an opinion just like your readers do. People can choose to read your work or they can choose to dismiss it. Either way, you need to realize that you’re going to be criticized as fitness industry writers by your peers and everyone around you for your opinion—regardless if you are 100% right or wrong. If that keeps you up at night or you get bent out of shape by comments made about your article, then don’t even go down the path of becoming one of the fitness industry writers. Being a freelance writer or author is not for you. And that’s fine, it’s not for everyone. But, regardless of the career path you go, you will always have critics. You will always have haters. You will always have people who want to see you fail. In the end, those individuals are really your biggest fans because they watch everything you do and read all of your work. So, what else could you ask for?
Heck, when Geoff Roberts and I had Central Bodybuilding Radio, there was a listener who told me I looked like someone from a boy-band. Most people would take offense to that, Geoff and I just laughed about it. It’s someone’s opinion, what am I supposed to say? Either thank them for the compliment or call them a d-bag? Regardless, is their opinion going to change my life or make me lose sleep? Nope. Maybe for some they’d be offended and get all flustered? You need to block out the noise and keep doing what you’re doing (regardless of your career choice).
Why so much noise?
I’m often asked why a writer catches so much flack about a published article. It could be an article about a bodybuilder who won a show they didn’t deserve to win, a new innovation within the industry, exposing shady situations or circumstances in an industry, or anything else that could be controversial based on someone’s views or opinions. Or, maybe they’re involved in what you are publishing and want to keep it hush hush so they try to attack you to make it go away?
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