Apparently, Content Creators Can’t Have an Opinion These Days
It’s become apparent over the last few years that content creators aren’t allowed to have an opinion anymore. It’s as if what comes out of their mouths is automatically criticized. Now, I’m not saying that some of the stuff people say isn’t totally inaccurate, but when someone has an opinion on a subject why is it no longer respected?
Bodybuilding content creators like Nick’s Strength and Power, Luimarco, myself, and many others seem to have a target on our backs here of late. And I’m honestly not sure why. Whether the topic of discussion is bodybuilding, fitness, supplements, etc., it seems like people have an agenda to disprove anything we say or seem to take offense. Here’s what I mean.
Should Content Creators Be Quiet or Do They Raise Valid Points?
The first topic that needs to be discussed is when content creators talk about bodybuilders and their physiques or placings. Look, anyone can look at me and say, “That dude is fugly. He’s not that big.” Know what? They aren’t wrong. I’m not Brad Pitt or walk around 365 days a year with a physique like what Greg Plitt had. And I’m fine with that. I can’t argue that fact or try to dismiss the comments that are made. But I don’t take offense to them. It is what it is.
Yet, when content creators talk about how a bodybuilder looks going into a show or how they looked during the show, it’s an immediate throat punch given by whoever they are speaking about. But why?
Here’s my point when it comes to content creators being criticized for speaking out regarding someone’s physique or having an opinion. After a show, content creators build out content regarding a competition and how everyone placed. The minute they say someone looked off, they were flat, they missed their mark, they weren’t big enough, [insert whatever comment here], it seems to be taken like these people said the bodybuilder’s penis is small or something.
Content creators become the center of attention and get verbally (or sometimes physically) abused by certain individuals. My question is if these content creators are wrong, why didn’t the judges view their physique as being good enough to win? Let’s take Phil Heath for example since he’s been the most recent. And this is no disrespect to Phil, he and I go way back to his MET-Rx days. But when Nick’s Strength and Power or Luimarco would comment about Phil not looking his best or bringing up his stomach issues, Phil was vocal on social media criticizing these individuals.
The fact is, in 2018 Phil as not his best and had stomach issues that led back to his hernia. Those content creators weren’t wrong with their analysis of Phil’s physique, but they became a target for their opinion. But, why are content creators villainized for making comments that the judges scored them negatively on? What if Big Steve came out and made comments about a bodybuilder’s physique being off (not saying he ever would, but he had a few interviews in the past where he had to defend why someone didn’t place well and why the judges scored the cards the way they did)?
Next, let’s look at me. I’ve been in the supplement industry for quite a long time. Yet, when I write about a supplement or a brand and give my opinion, that brand immediately wants to come at me as one of the content creators and try to take personal stabs at me. Look, I have thick skin and couldn’t care less what people say about me, but the fact that a simple opinion can create quite the commotion online is quite interesting. Now, this doesn’t happen often, but every once in a while it comes up.
I’ll give you an example. I wrote an article about a topic where I mentioned I didn’t necessarily agree with what a supplement company was doing. Granted, I’ve given this brand a ton of praise over the years, but they’ve probably never seen it as they don’t read my content. From that one opinion, I had an owner take personal shots at me for my opinion. Comments such as I’m “part of the problem with poor journalism” and that I “clearly don’t know my subject matter” and similar comments.
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