Businesses Should Be Focusing on Micro Influencers
I’m no marketing or branding genius, but hear me out. Businesses are spending thousands of dollars (some even millions) on influencers these days. They are on the prowl for big names like Kim Kardashian or professional athletes. Yet, has anyone ever thought for even one second on if that’s a smart investment? In my opinion, micro influencers are MUCH more valuable. And here’s why.
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Micro Influencers are Worth More in the Marketplace
When you see someone like Kim K. taking a selfie with a product and posting it on Instagram, how many people actually trust her enough to go out and buy the product? Sure, she has a huge audience, but the conversion from her picture as it relates to sales I can only assume is fairly small. Everyone is sick of seeing her selling herself out for products just to make money. The same can be said about other large influencers on social media these days. Being an influencer has become somewhat of a job — and for some a very lucrative job. And the job is to promote other people’s products on your social platforms. What this does is desensitize consumers to their posts. They no longer trust what the influencer is promoting. And when they see product push after product push it completely turns them off from the influencer.
When you have micro influencers who has a much smaller audience and reach, you still have a great chance of converting sales. These micro influencers have a loyal following and when they recommend items, it’s generally because they truly enjoy the product versus getting paid to say they do. You can consider the followers of micro influencers more as “friends” and these individuals trust what the micro influencers are saying and are more willing to try the product.
I’m not saying that getting big names to promote your brand is a bad thing. But, you risk people not taking your brand seriously in the long run. Because let’s face it, someone like Kim K. isn’t going to be pushing a product on her Instagram if she isn’t getting paid for it. Additionally, if someone is a large influencer, you better hope that you’ve done all of your homework so you don’t find out later that the person you hired and paid is not well-liked by the industry and has some skeletons in their closet.
Brands Need to Seek Out Quality Influencers
While not all micro influencers have the brand’s best interest at heart and are only in it for the money or product, there are plenty of good micro influencers out there who are respectable people who are truly looking to bring awareness to great products that they use and recommend. This can help influencer marketing for your brand. For instance, I refuse to put anything on my site that I don’t like. If I personally wouldn’t use it, why would I expect you to? Our word is the only thing we have in this world and if people no longer trust what you say, then what do you have? So, don’t be dishonest.
I’ve already tried products that I was going to review (assuming a brand sent me the product to review), hated it, and gave the brand an opportunity to pull the plug on my review if it won’t help the brand. On the flip side, if I purchase a product and hate it, you can certainly bet that the review will go up to stay away from the product.
It’s about honesty. And it’s my opinion that these celebrities who are getting paid thousands of dollars to take a photo with a product are disingenuous when it comes to a product they are “pushing.” Personally, I’d never purchase something that Kim K. recommends because not only do I not really like her as a person, I know for a fact that I can’t trust her judgement when it comes to products she is pushing. Celebrities like her are only after one thing (ok, maybe two)… money and fame.
If you want your brand to grow through influencers, it’s my opinion that you seek out micro influencers. You can pay them much less than a celebrity and the return should be amazing — assuming the influencer gets good engagement. Stop wasting your money on celebrities. Micro influencers is where it’s at. But ultimately, where you spend your money is up to you. But you can get way more micro influencers for your money than you can celebrities.
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