Bodybuilders vs Media Outlets: A Backyard Brawl Over Coverage

Criticism is something thrown around by media outlets every single day in the world of athletics.  It doesn’t matter if it’s high school or at the professional level – people and media outlets are going to have opinions and have a right to share them.  While not everyone’s opinion is valid, they are going to be tossed around and shared on social media (welcome to the digital age).  Back in the day, you’d either say something to someone’s face or behind their back.  In today’s age, people hide behind their keyboards to take to social media to share their thoughts and opinions with thousands of their followers.  But when did big bad bodybuilders get such thin skin (other than when dehydrated on stage) when it comes to criticism?

If you can’t take the heat, get out of the kitchen

It’s amazing the number of bodybuilders who have taken to social media or who have lost their minds at expos on media outlets who criticized them.  I’ve seen NFL and NBA players get heated during interviews, but bodybuilders are on a different level.  We are talking zero to nuclear in less than a second.  I guess the code of conduct is different between actual sports and pageants (which is quite honestly what bodybuilding is).  Not only that, but there is no governing body to penalize bodybuilders to acting out like there is in professional sports.

Flex Wheeler lost his cool last year.  William Bonac went after a YouTuber who criticized him online.  Phil Health did the exact same thing to the YouTuber who spoke about Bonac after his win at the Olympia.  The list goes on and on.  It’s like the list of butthurt stretches for miles in the bodybuilding industry.

I can understand that when you are being looked at and dissected by judges on stage, the last thing you want to hear from media outlets when you don’t place well is that your physique was off and you looked terrible.  But how else are media outlets supposed to describe an outcome?  It’s not like you fumbled the ball and media outlets are going to call you butterfingers for a play.  All we can talk about is what you looked like.  It’s not like you had a great game and messed up on one play which lost you the game.  If that hurts your feelings, well… too bad.

Without US the media outlets, bodybuilders are a nobody

Let’s just think about one little fact.  Who gets bodybuilders noticed?  Who brings up a bodybuilders physique and helps get their name out there?  Who congratulates winners and gives them the respect they deserve after placing well at shows?  Who talks about shows and placings on social media to create a buzz and interest in bodybuilding?  Media outlets – that’s who.  So, while competitors are on their high horse thinking they should have placed better and that media oulets are being hard on them, without these media outlets they are riding that horse alone into the sunset.  You aren’t playing in the NFL.  You aren’t playing in the NBA.  You could stop competing tomorrow, and the world wouldn’t change.  I’m not trying to be rude, I’m just being real.  No one knows you.  Your name isn’t Michael Jordan or John Elway.  You’re not going to have a legacy after you retire that millions of people will remember.  You just won’t.  It’s a sad reality.  That’s not to say you aren’t doing great things in the community, but people aren’t turning on their televisions on Sunday afternoons to watch you.

Related Article: Is Media Content Hurting the Supplement Industry?

Whether you like it or not, you need media outlets to cover bodybuilding.  You need these media outlets covering the sport and promoting it for you.  Remember, most of the world looks at you as a circus freak or a juice head.  No one sees you for anything other than what they see on the exterior.  Most are even too intimidated to even come up to you and get to know you.  So, you need media outlets to share your story and who you are as a person.

I’m not sponsored or being paid to say this, but look at media outlets like Rx Muscle and Generation Iron.  They are talking about all of the great things that go on in the industry – and yes, even some of the bad things that go on.  But, who’s the first group to have the industry’s back when the shit hits the fan and some idiot gets caught dealing steroids out of his gym or doing something stupid (sorry, Craig Titus, you’re just an idiot and we can’t defend your actions)?  The bodybuilding media outlets.

You see, we aren’t the enemy here.  We’re simply reporting on what we see and the results of shows.  If you came in flat or out of shape, then that’s what happened.  Think we’re wrong about what we are saying?  Well, how did you place?  Exactly.  So, sit down.  You might be in denial, but it’s the cold hard truth.  We aren’t the mainstream media trying to vilify what you are doing and bringing up steroids every three seconds.  We are giving the bodybuilding world the news they are looking for because bodybuilding shows aren’t televised and not everyone can make it to each of the shows throughout the year.

Rather than working against us, try working with us.  If you didn’t place well, tell us why you didn’t place well.  Don’t take your ball and go home right after a show.  Let media outlets interview you.  Tell your side of the story, even if you think you got robbed by the judges.  But attacking media outlets isn’t going to get you anywhere, other than having a video floating around of you losing your cool and acting like an idiot (similar to what the mainstream media is depicting of you and “roid rage”).  So, do yourself a favor and help all of us out.  If you run and hide and then want to be combative when someone critiques you, then come on out of your saferoom lets talk.  It’s what your fans want to see anyway.

Want to know what happens when media outlets don’t cover you anymore?  You disappear.  Now, let’s stand together and help promote this “sport” and put out some amazing content that the fans and followers would appreciate.

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Matt Weik

Matt Weik, BS, CPT, CSCS, CSN, is the Owner and Head Keyboard Banger of Weik Fitness. He is a well-respected, prolific writer with a global following and a self-proclaimed fitness and supplement nerd. Matt’s content has been featured on thousands of websites, 100+ magazines, and he has authored over a dozen published books.