Amazon Private Label Flexing with New Sports Nutrition Line
A while back I wrote an article about Amazon launching their own line of nutritional supplements. They were vitamins and minerals. I also mentioned that it’s only a matter of time before they bring out the big guns and also come out with their own Amazon private label sports nutrition line consisting of protein powders and other supplements that cater to the fitness and bodybuilding realm. Well, that time has come.
Disclaimer: This article is for informational purposes only and is not meant to treat or diagnose any condition. It is recommended that you speak with your doctor before starting any exercise program, changing your daily nutrition, or adding any supplements to your regimen.
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Straight Flexin’: Amazon Private Label Sports Nutrition Line
Let’s face it, Amazon is the big black gorilla these days. They seem to be able to do as they please and dominate the e-commerce world. Anything and everything you could ever want can usually be found on their site — and more times than not, for cheaper than other online retailers.
For the last few years, Amazon has been a sponsor of the Mr. Olympia contest held in Las Vegas for the world’s greatest fitness and bodybuilding competitors. Many were curious why they would do such a thing, especially after owned that right for many years. As has slowly declined in popularity and sales, Amazon seemed to keep pumping iron and building their business in the supplement space. More and more consumers were buying supplements from their site and they finally hit a PR with their P2n Peak Performance Nutrition line of supplements. This isn’t their only Amazon private label sports nutrition line. They also have Nature’s Wonder, an organic plant-based line as well that has organic plant-based protein powders.
If you do a search on Amazon for “protein powder” you will now find a highlighted section saying “Top Rated from Our Brands.” While brands like Optimum Nutrition still rule their site, I can see the P2N sports nutrition line crushing the sales of some smaller brands who don’t have much brand loyalty or following.
The Amazon private label P2N Peak Performance sports nutrition line has protein, BCAAs, creatine, pre-workouts, post-workouts, and even a thermogenic. What does this mean to the sports nutrition industry? More choices. Which isn’t necessarily bad from a consumer standpoint. In fact, if people try the Amazon private label sports nutrition line and hate it, it will only help the bigger brands earn more respect.
However, I think respect is due to Amazon for having a pair of balls big enough to dabble in the space (but they are also getting into some trouble as well). Sure, many people called this move a long time ago, but coming out with an Amazon private label sports nutrition line of supplements doesn’t come without high costs and of course risk.
Will This Amazon Private Label Supplement Line Hurt Other Supplement Brands?
Essentially the big brands, for the most part, will not be affected. Smaller brands… eh, they might have some issues. Will some brands give Amazon the Italian salute and leave their website? CPG Strategist, Joshua Schall says “leaving Amazon would not be advised” and “any brand in FDMC should already know how to react to this move [by Amazon].”
Only time will tell how all of this plays out. Did they rush into this with their Amazon private label P2N sports nutrition line? I don’t think so. Let’s be real, there are so many fly-by-night supplement brands out there who are only in it to make a quick buck and then get out. They don’t have quality control and don’t always meet label claims. They don’t have much to lose so they cross their fingers that they don’t get sued.
Amazon, on the other hand, has A LOT to lose if they don’t meet label claims. Not only would that create one hefty lawsuit, but it could also give their other Amazon private label brands across channels a black eye. While I’m not saying the P2N sports nutrition line is any good, I’ll hold my judgment for when I actually get my hands on some of their products to try for myself. Until then, I’ll sit back with my popcorn and see how this all plays out.
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