7 Poor Nutrition Habits That Are Hiding Your 6-Pack Abs

Have you been trying for years to get 6-pack abs, but nothing seems to work? You’ve tried this diet, that diet, this pill, that pill — only to find yourself frustrated? You’re not alone. The fact is, while everyone has 6-pack abs, they hide under a very stubborn layer of fat that, even with hours upon hours of cardio, may never poke through unless your nutrition plan is solid. Unfortunately, many suffer from poor nutrition habits.

Below, you will find seven poor nutrition habits that are getting between you and your 6-pack abs. If any of these sounds like something you do, work towards improving and changing the habits to allow yourself to get closer to seeing those 6-pack abs poke through.

Disclaimer: This article is for informational purposes only and is not meant to treat or diagnose any condition. It is recommended that you speak with your doctor before starting any exercise program, changing your daily nutrition, or adding any supplements to your regimen.

7 Poor Nutrition Habits That Are Destroying Your Results

Below are seven poor nutrition habits that most people who claim they can’t get a 6-pack are doing that destroy their results.

1. Loading Your Fridge and Pantry with Junk

If you want 6-pack abs, you need to eliminate all of the poor nutrition habits you’re victim of and all the junk in your fridge and pantry. Let’s face it, if it’s there… you’re going to eat it. Abs are made in the kitchen! That means potato chips, pretzels, cookies, sugary and carb-filled snacks, regular soda, fill in the blank with whatever unhealthy food or beverage you regularly consume.

Rather than throwing it all away, if it’s unopened, donate it to a food bank or homeless shelter. While these foods aren’t the healthiest options, anything is better than nothing when it comes to having food to put in your system and having nothing. You’ll be doing a good deed for the community while also helping yourself in the process by fixing some of your poor nutrition habits.

Also, what you have in your fridge will dictate what you take to work with you.

2. Snacking in Front of the Television

Next on our list of poor nutrition habits is your snacking while watching TV or Netflix. You know you’re guilty of this. It’s cool, so do many others. Now that we’ve established this and taken ownership, it’s time to fix the issue. If you want 6-pack abs, you can’t be snacking on the couch. Why? Because most people will grab the box, bag, or whatever packaging that the product comes in and will plop down on the couch. What happens next is a continuous cycle of your hand reaching in and then making its way to your mouth.

poor nutrition habits

When you are distracted by the television, you’re going to lose track of how much you’ve consumed. Rather than taking the packaging with you to the couch, first, dump an appropriate portion into a bowl or on a plate so you know exactly how much you are consuming. When the food or snack is gone, you know you’re done. Now, you simply need to have some self-control and not go back for more.

Making these small steps is a great way to correct poor nutrition habits that are destroying your progress.

Speaking of snacks you can’t put down, MPA Iso Poofs are a fantastic snack option for any time of day! MPA Iso Poofs are loaded with high protein, minimal carbs and fat, and less then 110 calories per serving. When looking for a healthy snack you can feel good about the whole family enjoying, reach for MPA Iso Poofs. But beware! Once your family tries them, you may find an empty bag the next time you grab them from the pantry (they’re that good!).

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Matt Weik

Matt Weik, BS, CPT, CSCS, CSN, is the Owner and Head Keyboard Banger of Weik Fitness. He is a well-respected, prolific writer with a global following and a self-proclaimed fitness and supplement nerd. Matt’s content has been featured on thousands of websites, 100+ magazines, and he has authored over a dozen published books.