10 Ways Bodybuilding Can Make You a Better Person
Many of us in the industry already know the ways bodybuilding can make you a better person. However, for those on the outside looking in, all they see are a bunch of meatheads who pick things up and put them down and who consume a metric ton of protein on a daily basis. We hear all of the stereotypes from bodybuilders being dumb, to being conceited, and everything else you want to throw our way. What they fail to realize is that that bodybuilders have traits (thanks to bodybuilding itself) that they will probably never have. So, before you want to speak ill about a bodybuilder, maybe you should walk a mile in their shoes—and then open your mouth with your thoughts and opinions.
How many of you would be willing to give up things in order to pursue your passion? Would you be willing to give up pizza to get ready for a bodybuilding show? Would you be willing to make sacrifices in your life to achieve your goal? Would you be willing to give up watching television at night so you could go do cardio on a treadmill? Bodybuilders do. While many Americans can’t go a week without pizza or ice cream, bodybuilders diet (strictly) for over 12 weeks to get ready for a show. Can you go that long without sugar and junk food? Can you go without watching your reality television shows each night?
Work Ethic
Bodybuilders understand that without putting in the time, the grind, the hustle to be the best, their chance of winning a show would never come to fruition. They know that the hard work they put in day in and day out in the gym and the diligence of planning out every single move they make on their way to the competition stage will be vital to their overall success. While most people are watching for the clock to strike five so they can get the heck out of work, bodybuilders are constantly eager to get after it and put in the work. There is no time clock when you’re a bodybuilder. It’s an all or nothing sport. If you’re looking at the clock because you hate what you’re doing, maybe it’s time for a change?
In the quest to get as big and as shredded as possible, bodybuilders are willing to learn. They use trial and error to get a better understanding of how their body works. Rather than thinking things are out of their hands or looking for excuses, they look for results through experimentation. They try new training techniques and protocols, they try new macro ratios and different foods—all in an attempt to build the perfect physique. They invest in themselves to become the best.
Majority of the people who start exercising for the first time will quit within the first three months. Not those who are into bodybuilding—they’re a different breed and have a different mindset. They are dedicated and committed to seeing their goals become a reality. They have the tenacity and drive to do what others refuse in order to create a body that can stand up on stage with the greatest in the world.
Mental Strength
How tough are you? No, not physical strength—we’ll get to that next. But mentally. Are you able to push forward? Are you able to hit the gym after a long day and all you want to do is go home to Netflix and Chill? Despite your circumstances, are you able to be in the moment and mentally push yourself past exhaustion in the gym. When the lactic acid is building up and your body is telling you stop, can you flip the switch mentally and keep going like athletes do in bodybuilding? That’s mental strength. Most people don’t possess such a thing, they give in and give up too easily.
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