Bum to Beauty: The Cost of InstaFAME Frauds
I pay close attention to people in the fitness industry who are trending (especially on social media), and I’m finding a lot of them are some of the fakest people out there. There’s a reason so many people follow them an idolize them, and it’s because they come off as having a great personality, amazing physique, and seemingly perfect in every aspect of their life. All of this sounds great. However, the reality is this isn’t reality at all, it’s all smoke and mirrors. They are duping you into thinking they are what perfection looks like. Let’s chat a little bit about the cost of InstaFAME.
Social Media & Instafame
When I talk about social media, I’m talking about Snapchat, Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter—the main players in the space. Social media is one of the easiest ways to fake your way to instafame. You can go from (as the title states) bum to beauty overnight—and many of these personalities online have.
We live in an age where our cell phones are our new expensive camera. What once was though as being disgusting, taking pictures in bathrooms is now almost a norm and acceptable. I don’t know about you, but snapping a selfie with your toilet in the background isn’t exactly appealing to me, I don’t care what you look like or what you’re wearing. Yet, look around on social media and you will see your feed flooded with these images. And if you pay close attention to detail, you might even think you’re in the Matrix.
Hiding behind a lens is the perfect coverup. You can be whoever you want to be regardless of your personality and own flaws. Why? Because you can edit your “life” so to speak to catapult into instafame status. There are plenty of fitness personalities who got caught Photoshopping their images. The walls or objects around them seem to be bending in the shot. The corner of the wall next to the image all of a sudden appears to be pushed in and oddly shaped, and it’s because amateurs are changing their appearance to make themselves look more appealing.
The sad thing is, most people buy into these images and think they are real. The funny thing is, you never see these Instafame people shooting videos because you can’t Photoshop yourself in videos like you can still images. In fact, there is a (now) very popular female in the fitness industry who caught so much flack about her Photoshopping that she went out and had extensive plastic surgery done. All of a sudden, overnight her entire physique changed. Her butt became amazing, her boobs all of a sudden were perfectly shaped and sized, and oddly enough, her facial structure changed as well.
This woman uses her image to sell her “brand” even though she has no clue what she is talking about. She has been caught selling personal training programs that are cookie cutter plans that any idiot off of the street could put together. They aren’t personalized and she offers no other guidance after she collects your payment because, well, she has no true understanding of fitness or nutrition. She’s a fake person who went under the knife to get plastic surgery so she could sell her image to everyone and make money through Instafame.
Now she’s doing appearances and everything for pay where before she couldn’t because she would be exposed for looking nothing like she did in her images on social media. She was also a competitor who never placed well enough to make a name for herself, but she knew how to snap photos and edit them on social media—so, she found her niche.
This isn’t just a gender specific issue either, while I’m picking on the woman above, there are plenty of guys out there who have been caught Photoshopping themselves to appear bigger and leaner than they really are for Instafame. While women are tightening things up and enhancing their butt, guys are hardening their abs and enhancing their muscles thanks to photo editing. Unfortunately, the problem arises when these individuals are posting doctored images on social media, and then doing videos for YouTube.
YouTube Personalities
The days of television are gone in my eyes. People are changing over to Netflix and YouTube it seems. And in the fitness world, this is both good and bad. You have some great people putting out amazing and educational content, and then you have the clowns who are trying to fake their way to Instafame stardom. At the end of the example above, an individual was Photoshopping his physique, and then shooting video for YouTube. Even Ray Charles could see that the physiques shown in both look drastically different. And it’s because they are!
This guy was WAY smaller than he appeared in his social media pictures. In fact, half the size with a thicker midsection and chicken legs. This just happens to be the same individual who was shooting a video for YouTube trying to act strong and tore his pec while filming (and later posted it on YouTube—gotta love monetizing videos).
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